“The most exciting part is still ahead of us”, said Norway’s Ambassador to Romania, Tove Bruvik Westberg, at the launch of the Grants in Romania.
The prison population rate in Latvia is among Europe’s highest and the use of administrative detention is widespread. Reforms are now on the agenda.
Cooperation on combating drugs and organised crime, children and youth at risk and history teaching may be funded under the bilateral fund in Bulgaria.
Roma inclusion projects under the Grants (04-09) contributed to empowerment, more inclusive policies and building bridges between Roma and non-Roma.
Close to 2 000 applications were submitted in the first call for project applications in the Polish NGO programme.
Climate change is having a dramatic impact on the potato. A Polish-Norwegian research partnership is seeking to assess the effects of global warming.
17 October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - a good time to reflect on how we are working to alleviate poverty and exclusion.
Funds are now available from the EEA Grants for projects working to restore, renovate and protect cultural and natural heritage in Lithuania. NEW DEADLINE: 20 DECEMBER, 2013.
Interested in participating in a joint project under the scholarship programme in Hungary? Funding is now available for preparatory visits.
Currently no joined up service for children with severe mental health problems exists in Estonia. A new Norway Grants project intends to change this.
In Hungary, €8.7 million is now available for improving energy efficiency in public schools. There is a wide opportunity to involve donor partners. NEW DEADLINE 6 January 2014.
The Norway Grants support projects related to cross-border cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine. NEW DEADLINE 31 JANUARY 2014.