Improving mental health services and reducing health inequalities, environmental protection and climate change and research cooperation between Norway and the Czech Republic are among the key areas of support in the country.
There are fifteen EEA and Norway Grants programmes in the Czech Republic and recently eight of them were signed paving the way for the implementation phase to start. Several calls for proposals are expected to open in December and January.
The programmes that were signed recently were:
NGO programme
Children and Youth at Risk
National, Regional, Local Initiatives to Reduce Inter-Group Inequalities and to Promote Social Inclusion
Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Arts
The Czech-Norwegian Research Programme
Public Health Initiatives
Domestic and Gender-based Violence and Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance
Judicial Capacity-building Cooperation and Correctional Service, including Non-custodial Sanctions
For more information on the Grants in the Czech Republic visit
Stay up-to-date on new calls for proposals on our calls calendar