Frequently Asked Questions

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How to apply?

  • 1. How do I apply for funding?

    EEA and Norway Grants are based on programmes. Every country includes several programmes, each funding a certain topic. Whenever funding in the programmes becomes available, official calls are published on and on the websites of the relevant programme. The calls are generally open for two months and have a strict application deadline. It’s important to remember that all project applications need to be submitted through these calls –spontaneous applications submitted via email, social media or phone are not accepted.

  • 2. Can I apply for funding at any time?

    No, the EEA and Norway Grants do not accept spontaneous applications submitted via email, phone or social media. All project applications can only be submitted through official calls for proposals. Each call clearly lists the application requirements, including all application forms, the deadline and how to submit the application.

  • 3. How can I find out whether I’m eligible for funding?

    As the EEA and Norway Grants fund a wide range of topics, the eligibility criteria can vary between programmes. Each call for proposal includes detailed information on what kind of activities are funded, who can apply, the application deadline and all application instructions.

  • 4. I wanted to apply for funding under a specific call but I missed the deadline for application. Can I still submit my project proposal?

    No, following the principles of fairness and transparency, all deadlines for funding are final. Applications can therefore not be submitted after the deadline has passed. However, it might be that more calls are planned under the programme. Please consult the websites of each programme for more information on future calls.  

  • 5. What happens after I’ve submitted the application?

    Once your application has been submitted, the application will be assessed in line with the selection process described in the call for proposals. These processes will vary between the programmes/funds. A typical assessment will start by checking the formal requirements (compliance with eligibility criteria) first. The contents of the project proposals are then assessed by external experts. Based on these assessments, a selection committee will put together a ranking of projects that they recommend for selection. Donor programme partners often participate in selection committees as observers or voting members. The final decision will be made by the programme or fund operator, and the applicants will be informed of the outcome of the application process. 

  • 6. Can I receive a notification or an alert if new funding opportunities are available?
  • 7. I am a student and I have been accepted for studies in Iceland/Liechtenstein/Norway. Can I apply for a scholarship?

    The education programmes fund the exchange of students and staff through mobility projects managed by educational institutions in the beneficiary countries, and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This means that the initial applications for funding must come from the institutions – individual students cannot apply directly to the EEA and Norway Grants for funding. As a student, we advise you to check with the international office of your institution to see whether your institution participates in the programmes.

    Please note that the scholarships provided under the education programmes only finance exchanges between institutions. Students who are independently pursuing full degrees in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are not eligible for support.

About the EEA and Norway Grants

What is funded?

Requirements for funding recipients

How are the Grants managed?


  • 1. Why do the EEA and Norway Grants include project partnerships?

    The EEA and Norway Grants have two overarching goals, one of them is to strengthen bilateral relations between the three donor states – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – and the 15 beneficiary states in Europe. Project partnerships are a concrete method to reach that goal. Partnerships bring several benefits, including the sharing of knowledge and experience, access to innovative solutions, new networks and even new business opportunities. Visit our partnership opportunities page to find out more.

  • 2. What are donor programme partners?

    Donor programme partners are public institutions in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway that play a formal role in the EEA and Norway Grants programmes. They work with their counterparts in beneficiary countries to provide expertise and strategic advice on programme planning and implementation and facilitate networking and help project promoters find project partners in donor countries. Visit the donor programme partners overview to see which institutions are involved and in which programmes they work.

  • 3. What is expected of partners?

    Project partnerships come in many forms and will differ depending on a range of factors, from the size of the project to the sector you are cooperating in, whether you are building on existing cooperation with the project promoter or whether you have just met. In general, however, a project partnership entails active cooperation between you and the project promoter in the planning and implementation of your project.

    You will work together with the project promoter in developing a project idea, applying for project support, and if your project is selected, you will implement the project together. Visit the partnerships guide for more detailed information.

  • 4. How do I find a partner in Iceland/Liechtenstein/Norway?

    Once you’ve identified a programme that could fit your project, have a look to see whether it includes a donor programme partner. The donor programme partners or in the case of the Active Citizens Funds, the relevant donor contact points, may be able to advise you in your search for a project partner. They will often have an overview of upcoming information meetings, partnership events, seed or travel funds and calls for proposals coming up in their field. In cooperation with the programme or fund operators, the donor programme partners and the donor contact points sometimes arrange matchmaking events which may be of interest to your entity.

    Some of the donor programme partners and the donor contact point have established databases in which entities can enter their information and express interest in cooperation:

  • 5. I’m from Iceland/Liechtenstein/Norway. How do I join a project in one of the beneficiary countries as a partner?

    If you want to become a project partner, it may be useful to consider the following:

    1. Do any of the EEA and Norway Grants programme areas match with your interests and expertise?
    2. Is there a particular country you would like to engage in cooperation with?

    As a project partner, you will enter into a partnership with a project promoter in one of the beneficiary countries. Together with the project promoter you will develop a joint project application that the project promoter will submit under a specific call for proposals.

    If you want to know more about becoming a project partner, it is recommended that you contact one of the donor programme partners from your country operating in your field of interest. Norwegian and Icelandic entities interested in working in the field of civil society, could get in touch with the donor contact points for the Active Citizens Funds. They will be able to provide more detailed guidance and let you know whether there is an information event coming up that might be relevant for you.

    The online partnership guide contains an overview of the practical steps of participating in an EEA and Norway Grants project.

  • 6. Can I become a partner in a project if I’m not from one of the donor or beneficiary countries?

    The eligibility criteria vary by programmes, but in some of them projects can include partners from other countries. However, their participation cannot be financed through the EEA and Norway Grants. They therefore must find an alternative source of funding. You will find more information on eligible partners in each call for proposals.

    The only exception of this is the Fund for Youth Employment which allows participation from Ireland, Italy and Spain, and the Fund for Regional Cooperation which allows participation from the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The former North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. Both the Fund for Youth Employment and the Fund for Regional Cooperation issued calls for project proposals in 2017/2018 and have now been closed for applications. No decision has been made on more calls in the future in these two funds.