Greece has Europe’s highest number of asylum seekers and according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNCHR), the conditions for asylum seekers in Greece are notoriously difficult. Most people seeking asylum receive little or no assistance. Many live on the streets, including women and children.
Strengthening bilateral relations is one of the focus areas of the EEA Grants. Through the bilateral fund under the Greek programme for addressing urgent needs in the country’s immigration accommodation, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway are working together with Greece on the reception and screening of new arrivals. This effort also includes the accommodation of vulnerable groups, as well as assistance to voluntary return.
The fund, which is managed by the Directorate of Immigration in Norway, is now accepting applications for funding. The total amount available is €50,096.
Who and what is eligible for support?
NGOs and local authorities in Greece, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway, working within the asylum and migration field can apply for funding.
The following activities are eligible for support:
- Activities related to vulnerable groups (migrant children and people with disabilities);
- Activities related to capacity building of professions relevant to the focus area (lawyers, health workers, employees at reception centres);
- Activities that enhance administrative capabilities of NGOs dealing with cross cutting issues like anticorruption initiatives and fund raising activities;
- Planning and realisation of and/or participation in seminars, workshops, conferences, study tours, meetings and other arenas for dialogue and capacity building, and;
- Information activities
For more information on this call for proposals, please visit UDI’s website.
More information on the Greek programmes can be found here.
The application deadline is 12 December, 2013.