“It is compelling to see how our therapy methods help the children and how their faces light up after the sessions,” explains Judit Miholecz, clinical psychologist for the Smile Foundation.
Projects within Bulgarian cultural heritage are supported through three open calls for proposals.
“A large scale oil spill would cause severe damage to the Maltese economy and environment,” explains Captain Richard Gabriele, the Head of Pollution and Incident Response Unit at Transport Malta (TM).
While Portugal has made some strides towards improving gender equality in recent years, inequalities between men and women remain deeply entrenched. Funding is now available for projects that promote...
Funding is now available for youth friendly health care services in Lithuania.
Spain has invested heavily in the development of renewable energies and energy efficiency. Support from the Grants contributes to drive this thriving industry forward. A call for proposals to finance...
Small and medium-sized enterprises in Bulgaria with ideas that are good for both business and the environment can now apply for funding from the Norway Grants.
Actors working in the field of geothermal energy in Portugal can now apply for funding from the Grants.
Enterprises in Poland who want to reduce their carbon foot print can now apply for funding from the Norway Grants.
Funding is now available from the Polish scholarship programme. Calls for proposals are also open for scholarship programmes in Estonia, Bulgaria, Spain and Slovenia.
Funding is now available for projects that will restore cultural monuments in Slovakia and make cultural heritage accessible to the public. In both Slovakia and Hungary funding is also available for...
Hungary has substantial potential to increase its share of renewable energy, including geothermal energy. More than €6 million is now available for projects that will replace existing fossil fuel...