Today is International Roma Day- a good time to take stock of the challenges facing Europe’s Roma population. Bettering their situation is a key priority for the Grants, and improving access to...
Do you want a flying start to your career? The FMO offers 10-month long traineeships for graduates wanting to learn more about grants management. Deadline for applications: 1 May 2014.
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway support the Campaign against racism and hate violence.
Funding civil society through the Grants is one of the most explicit ways of showing our commitment to promote the fundamental European values of democracy, human rights, anti-discrimination and...
“We believe that happy people don’t spread hate and happy people don’t ignore hate when they see it”, says Neringa Jurčiukonytė, Director of NISI.
“Lithuanian prisons are lacking material and expertise to ensure proper accommodation and social re-integration services for inmates,” explains Marius Rakštelis, the Head of the Administrative and...
Norway Grants have just launched a call for projects to improve public health and reduced health inequalities in Poland.
Environmental and climate change education in Poland is getting a boost from the EEA and Norway Grants. Through the scholarship and training fund programme, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway will...
“The protection of water and the sustainable management of marine and inland waterways is one of our main environmental challenges,” says Mindaugas Gudas, the Director of the Environment Status...
“Inequalities between men and women in the public and private sphere remain significant,” explains Monika Magyar, Policy Officer at the Hungarian Women's Lobby.
Funds are now available from the EEA Grants to increase Romania’s share of renewable energy.
21 March is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – a good time to reflect on how we are countering discrimination, including hate speech and hate crime.