A newly launched project under the Hungarian NGO programme is helping women and other vulnerable groups gain access to the labour market.
“In Iztok, up to 87% of the households live at or below the poverty line,” explains Sasho Kovachev, Chairperson of Bulgarian NGO Liberal Alternative for Roma Civil Unification (LARGO), illustrating...
Today it is the UN-controlled buffer zone that divides the Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots. Hundred years ago, it was the colour of their clothing. Through funding from Iceland, Liechtenstein and...
Funding is now available to strengthen bilateral cooperation within the ‘Children and Youth at Risk’ programme in Estonia.
In Estonia, Norwegian and Estonian schools are working together to make environmental thinking an indispensable part of vocational education.
Reducing the risk of blindness is just one of the accomplishments of a Polish public health project that uses ultrasound technology to provide earlier diagnosis to patients.
How do we create cities that meet the challenges of our future? That was the question discussed at the conference “DiverCITY”, City for all” that took place last week in Wroclaw, Poland.
A call for bids for a study in support of the EEA and Norway Grants funding to Roma inclusion is now open.
Improving gender equality is a key priority for the Grants. Two calls for proposals for projects addressing gender-based violence in Slovakia are now open. The deadline for applications is 10 November...
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women has described the Istanbul Convention as ‘the gold standard’ in the efforts to combat violence against women worldwide. Through the Convention, Europe...
Funding is now available through three calls of proposal under the ‘Biodiversity and ecosystem services’ programme in Romania. Restoration of ecosystems, better monitoring and studies of ecological...
Funding is now available for the protection of native ecosystems against invasive alien species (IAS), improvement in the integration of biodiversity n different sectoral policies and legislation, and...