At the heart of Europe's intricate web of challenges lies a singular aspiration: the pursuit of justice and societal well-being. From the complexities of asylum and migration to the intricacies of...
In the heart of Romania's educational landscape, we find a compelling story of transformation. Amid the challenges faced by its schools, a dedicated organisation stands strong, working to redefine the...
Safe living conditions and social support are the cornerstones of an inclusive society. But the Roma community living on the outskirts of Cluj, Romania, were lacking just that. Coordinated...
See how Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway help build a greener, more competitive and inclusive Europe by supporting over 6 000 projects through the EEA and Norway Grants.
In an increasingly interconnected and changing world, the movement of people across national borders is inevitable. In Europe, the demand for asylum has seen an important increase over the past years...
The Earth's natural resources are vital to the survival and development of the human population. However, these resources are limited by the Earth's capability to renew them. The exploitation of...
Access to legal assistance is a vital component in ensuring justice for all. Bulgaria and Norway have joined forces through the Norway Grants to reshape the landscape of legal support for marginalized...
A well-functioning justice system is key to protecting individual rights and upholding the rule of law. But what does well-functioning mean, exactly? When we think about it, we will probably come up...
Contrary to Pink Floyd's cheeky statement, the value of education in our fast-paced, ever-upgrading digital world is more significant than ever. Buckle up as we debunk this catchy myth with BlendVET –...
Youth activism is an essential part of social change. Young people bring original and fresh ideas to counteract the more moulded views of society. Not the least, they have the vigor, enthusiasm and...
Over the past years, civil society has come under increasing pressure. Recent challenges to democracy and the rule of law, the COVID-19 pandemic, and scarce funding opportunities have all played a...
The parish of Višķi in Latvia is serene and has an idyllic landscape. You would imagine that in such a setting, school grounds would have a nice playground for kids to have fun in. Well, where that...