Bilateral relations, a term often heard in the corridors of diplomacy and international politics, may sound distant and abstract to most. However, when we unravel the intricate fabric of these...
In the whimsical realm of Lewis Carroll's creation, the Cheshire Cat proclaimed, 'we're all mad here.' Slovenia's Museum of Madness stands as a testament to this, challenging societal norms and...
Increased knowledge and understanding of water quality and seafood in the Black Sea bolsters Bulgaria's marine environmental policies, with funding from the EEA and Norway Grants.
Malta is one of many European countries with a comprehensive public health care system. Nevertheless, gaps in specialised care remain a public health issue.
This week, the EEA and Norway Grants exhibition came to the EU Parliament, setting the spotlight on our impactful projects. Common for all of them is the objective of a greener, more democratic and...
In today's fast-paced world, where screens often take precedence over swings, the diminishing physical activity of children is causing concern. It's not just about health - it's about ensuring that...
Even to this day, Cyprus remains a divided island. The partition can be felt on the streets of Nicosia, the capital. The Greek and Turkish communities coexist, but historical tensions remain. One...
In Europe, over 30 percent of first-time asylum applicants are children. Their journey to safety and stability is often filled with challenges and ensuring their uninterrupted access to education is...
As we dive headfirst into the digital revolution, it's hard not to feel like we're living in a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie. XR, or extended reality, is no longer just a buzzword; it's...
Ragna Fidjestøl has joined the EEA and Norway Grants in Brussels as our new Managing Director.
In a society striving for equality and inclusiveness, it is crucial to provide support and opportunities for everyone to thrive. Recognising this need, a project funded by the EEA Grants Local...
In the south of central Slovakia is a beautiful area called Gemer. With several national parks, historic castles, ruins, and imposing country houses, tourists are increasingly finding their way to the...