In the Romanian countryside, sewage is often discharged directly into rivers and lakes. This is one of the greatest environmental challenges in Romania today. Norwegian technology is an important part...
The authorities in Greece and the three donors have agreed that an additional €3.3 million of the funds provided to Greece under the EEA Grants should be used to deal with the flow of refugees into...
This week, a pre-school aimed at improving the quality of education received by Roma children was opened in the Bulgarian capital Sofia by the Norwegian Minister of EEA and EU Affairs, Elisabeth...
The secretariat of the EEA and Norway Grants (The Financial Mechanism Office – FMO) offers 12-month long traineeships for graduates wanting to learn more about grants management. Deadline for...
NGO 'Cesta domů' is working to ease the final choices of terminally ill people and their families in the Czech Republic and helping to make the subject of death less taboo.
“My immune system was very weak, and the tests showed this too. Nobody in my family had ever had tuberculosis, nor had any of our neighbours, I simply took the microbe from somewhere.”
“We’ve fought so hard and achieved a lot. But there’s still much more to do. We now have an opportunity to make a real difference and hope for a better future.”
Teenage forced marriage is a problem amongst the Romani population in Slovenia. An awareness campaign by Society Ključ has brought about an important change in the law, making forced marriages illegal...
With help from Norwegian construction students, one of the oldest wooden synagogues in the Baltics has been restored. When the ‘Green Synagogue’ opened to the public it was barely recognisable.
‘Stop Islamisation of Europe! …well, do you like your coffee?’ This message was printed on napkins in McDonald‘s in Zgierz, in central Poland - one initiative in the ‘Open Zgierz’ project which has...
Through the ‘Greenovation Challenge’ schools project, Romanian and Norwegian students have been working together to tackle environmental problems.
Grants worth €850 000 from the Polish NGO programme have been awarded to 17 projects to support the integration of new refugee arrivals. This follows a call for project proposals published last...