Inspired by the renowned Bastøy Prison in Norway, Romanian authorities have established their own human ecological prison along the same lines. The Norwegian Correctional Services have provided...
“We’re focusing on quality, safety and good equipment. This project allows us to invest in our own factory, reduce energy costs and offer our employees a better working environment.”
The plight of unaccompanied children has become one of the most pressing issues of the migrant crisis. At the frontline is Greek Humanitarian NGO, METAdrasi, providing critical care and protection...
Conservation project 'Mourela Plateau' in the Peneda Gerês National Park is one of the proud winners in the prestigious EU Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards 2016.
The living conditions which most Roma face often have serious consequences for their health. On the occasion of International Roma Day, we take a look at a Romanian initiative aiming to facilitate...
“Looking after these people, giving them protection, it’s an investment for the future. It’s a gain not a loss. That’s how I see it. It’s a small thing for me to give but it’s a big thing for those we...
Tuberculosis represents a major public health treat in Romania. LHL International from Norway is involved as a partner in a Romanian project aiming to strengthen TB control.
The newly-opened photo exhibition 'People and possibilities' puts the spotlight on some of the many projects that have received funding through the cultural heritage and diversity programmes.
The influence of education in the process of creating a more equal society is undisputed. With support from the Norway Grants, gender equality has been put on the agenda in Estonian schools.
While progress towards equality between men and women has been made, gender gaps persist. Here we take a look at what we have achieved through the gender equality and gender-based violence programmes.
Six Spanish regions have developed innovative plans to help victims of domestic violence and improve coordination between various state agencies.
The Global Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue has improved practices and social dialogue structure and increased understanding of Decent Work principles.