Even though the average levels of health are improving in the EU, the health situation in the beneficiary countries varies and there are still major inequalities. The widening health gap, high levels of lifestyle-related diseases and an ageing population are some of the major health challenges in Europe.
Universal access to health
The EEA and Norway Grants make available almost € 170 million to eleven health programmes in ten beneficiary countries contributing to improving public health, reducing health inequalities and improve access to and quality of health care services.
Many programmes target vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, the elderly and Roma. In Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary reaching out to the most vulnerable groups, such as Roma, can be one means to reduce health inequalities. Improved mental health is an important priority for the Grants, and in the Czech Republic, more than 40% of the health programme is dedicated to this objective.
Universal access to health services is a strong slogan for the public health programmes.
Read more about the Grant’s support to public health in our new public health factsheet.
The EEA and Norway Grants have health programmes in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia.
Launch conference in Oslo
In Oslo, 29 and 30 May, programme operators and representatives from donor institutions and organisations in the field of public health are meeting for the launch of the public health programmes. The two Norwegian donor programme partners the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health are hosting the conference in order to boost partnerships and cooperation, and kick off the programmes.
The role of the two Norwegian programme partners is to facilitate networking, academic exchange and capacity-building between Norway and the beneficiary states. They are also assisting the programme operators in the beneficiary countries with the development and implementation of the programmes.
Read more about partnership opportunities under the Grants here.
Ongoing open calls for proposals
Nine of the eleven health programmes under the Grants are now approved. In Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Cyprus the implementation has started with open calls for proposals ongoing or underway. In Cyprus two predefined projects have an important bi-communal profile, aiming at reaching both the Greek and Turkish speaking communities on the divided island.
Currently there are open calls for proposals in:
Follow our website for upcoming calls for proposals.