Mum on the labour market

Project facts

Project promoter:
Employers of the Lublin region Lewiatan(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise(NO)


Projects will improve the cooperation between the social partners and public authorities on labour market challenges by activities facilitating access to employment, including for a disadvantaged group of women who are supposed to reconcile the role of a mother and an employee.

The project will examine the situation of women on the labour market based on: legal conditions, the attitude of employers’ towards employment of women, facts of leaves during pregnancy, proportion of salaries of women and men and their qualifications and positions, to prove the necessity of  development of Active Labour Market Policy (ALMP) measures with the involvement of social partners. This will be done both through desk research and publication of a report.  An Awareness Raising Campaign will raise awareness of social partners especially employers and female employees of the situation of  Mum on the labour market and of the necessity of ALMP measures development with the involvement of social partners.

The following activities will be carried out

- A Conference with participation of Norwegian Partner, social partners and public authorities,
- Campaign in the media
- Elaboration of two Guides for female employees and employers 
- Elaboration of information brochures.

- A study visit for 17 participants, with focus on good practices in Norway
- A Report with recommendations for ALMP measures 

- A pilot training course for employers and their female employees :  20 participants – employers and managers (30 hours of training)
-  Course for women – time management, negotiation, assertiveness - 30 female employees 30 hours of training (10h for each topic) for 2 groups of 15 people each
- Moderated discussion for employers and female employees: 60 participants (4 hours for each of 4 groups of participants)
- Individual consultation with an expert  for 50 participants

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.