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This document provides guidance for Core output and outcome indicators (including Bilateral indicators) for the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. It is intended to support the stakeholders involved in developing or managing EEA or Norway Grants funded Programmes – principally those programmes which are bound by the EEA and Norway Grants Regulations. Stakeholders include National Focal Points (NFP), Programme Operators (POs), Fund Operators (FOs), Project Promoters (PPs), and the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO).
The aim of this Guidance document is to operationalise the use of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 Core indicators and ensure consistency in the methods of collection, calculation of the achievements, reporting and aggregation of data among all 15 Beneficiary States and across all Programmes.
In addition to the detailed definitions for the Core indicators, guidance is provided on the mode of data collection and analysis, setting baseline and target values, frequency of reporting and data aggregation at various levels. In the case of indicators where data is to be collected through surveys, further guidance on the content of the surveys and suggested templates are provided (in the Annexes) to ensure a common approach.
This Core Indicator Guidance is closely linked to the established monitoring procedures under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. It should be read in conjunction with the Regulations on the EEA and Norway Grants, the Results Guideline, and the Results Reporting Guide. The Regulations and the Results Guideline take precedence over this guidance in case of any inconsistencies.
The Core indicators Guidance was last updated on November 2022.