Renewable energy

Key facts

Programme Operator:
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)
Programme ID:
In implementation
Date of approval:
Total amount:
EEA Grants fund:
Norway Grants fund:
€ 0
Programme areas:

Currently available funding

Programme Summary

Why is the Programme needed? Greece has a considerable potential for renewable energy, which includes wind, solar, biomass and geothermal sources, whereas the hydropower potential is largely exploited already. The contribution of renewable energy in the national energy balance was only around 8% in 2008, while the EU “20-20-20” target includes: achieving 20% energy savings, 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and 20% increase of the use of renewable energy sources (RES) by 2020. In order to reach these targets, all sectors of energy production and consumption are required to include renewable energy solutions and energy saving. The programme will introduce and promote the use of renewable energy solutions in communities that are currently using fossil energy sources. What will the Programme achieve and who are the beneficiaries? The programme will establish energy production from renewable sources of around 7,000 MWh per year, and contribute to the reduction/avoidance of greenhouse gases. A pre-defined project will serve as a demonstration project on integrated measures for increased use of renewable energy in small islands. The programme promotes the implementation of RES demonstrative projects that will act as attractive green development options and they will contribute to national energy and environmental roadmaps which are in line with “20-20-20” targets. The demonstrative projects will have positive effect on the promotion and leveraging of new RES projects. The demonstrative projects will support the integration of RES technologies in each community that will ensure the maximum penetration of green strategies and practices at local and national level. How will it be achieved? The programme will be achieved by: • Implementation of RES interventions of various types in different areas, taking into accounts the characteristics and needs of local communities; • Integration of RES systems in buildings; • Support policies embracing and contributing towards green energy development; • Multidimensional and complementary activity to Green energy development (culture, specialised tourism, agriculture, fishing). RES actions to be implemented would be: •Installation of Photovoltaics/ solar power; • Installation of wind turbines; • Geothermal or biomass units in stand-alone buildings or districts; • Solar collectors. How will bilateral relations be strengthened? There is no Donor Programme Partner in the programme, but project partnerships from the donor countries will be encouraged. The Programme Operator has cooperated with partners from the EU and Norway in previous projects, and the partnership strategy will be detailed with the help of a consultant early in the programme. Additionally, a special fund is earmarked to give ample opportunities for staff from the Programme Operator to travel to the Donor states, and other beneficiary countries getting to know the activities there related to renewable energy solutions. What are the partnership opportunities? The open calls for projects will encourage partnerships between project promoters and donor companies/institutions. Under the Funds for Bilateral Relations there will be arranged a matchmaking seminar for potential project promoters and donor project partners. Once the project promoters have been identified, funds will be available for exchange networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice between project promoters and entities in the donor states. Who can apply for funding under this Programme? Eligible applicants for both programme components will be non-profit entities operating in public interest, such as for example: municipalities, public hospitals and schools, local and regional authorities. The grant support in the projects will vary between €1 million and €3 million EUR.