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Our events will include local beekeepers, the local community, senior citizens and high school students as recipients. By interacting and supporting each other, recipients will be active citizens in their environment. They will pass on the acquired knowledge to indirect recipients, family and friends. Indirect recipients will be residents of as many as four counties. Our recipients will know democratic tools to influence local authorities. Beekeepers, together with the Forestry District, will monitor the environmental cleanliness of our region. The barrier in dialogue between beekeepers and local farmers will decrease. Young farmers will be aware of the risks they may introduce by inappropriate use of plant protection products. After these events, our Foundation will be a showcase of environmental protection in our region. It will raise the image of the authenticity of our activities. The Foundation will become recognisable beyond its current scope of operation. Our organisation will be branded as a good and strategic partner in similar events. Participation in the grant will help us meet society''s needs. The funds will allow members of the organisation to gain new skills and experience. By participating in this programme, we will improve internal communication and time management. Audio-video equipment will allow us to conduct workshops outdoors and in rooms without this type of equipment. Participation in the grant is an opportunity for us to develop further and organise similar events in the future.
Summary of project results
We are a link between several social groups that want a healthy natural environment and biodiversity security. Our main goal is to spread beekeeping and increase awareness of environmental protection. We also want to join the forces of several social groups in order to monitor changes in the immediate surroundings in terms of the natural environment. Our intention was to introduce each other to the employees of the Płońsk Forest District, representatives of the Beekeeping Clubs, Rural Women''s Clubs, the Senior Club and the inhabitants of the Płońsk district. By presenting common needs, we want to bring people closer together and at the same time expand and strengthen relations with our Foundation. We held a number of meetings directly in organizations, encouraging people to participate in our joint training and integration and training meetings. During these trainings, we presented beekeeping not as honey production but as a litmus test of changes in the natural environment. The fact that an environment unfavorable to bees is also toxic to humans is very important to our audience. The common concern of the Forest District for clean, mixed forests rich in undergrowth, of beekeepers for the conscientious and reliable use of plant protection products in agriculture, and of the residents for the care and cleanliness of parks has a common measure: protection of the natural environment. During the training, we showed how even inconspicuous changes affect biodiversity, the state of the environment, the health of the forest and, consequently, the health of bees and ending with us, humans.
In cooperation with one of the Rural Women''s Circles, a small apiary was installed to monitor the state of nature in their town. Representatives of the Senior Club and residents met local beekeepers, established cooperation and purchase good honey directly from the producer. Several people are interested in establishing their own apiaries. As a result of the new need for beginners, we opened internships in the apiary. As a result of strong advertising in the newspaper and local radio, over 150 people came to Integration, whereas we estimated only 100-120 people. During this integration meeting, the MIÓD I MALINA FOUNDATION CLUB was established. Our organization, with only 3 people on the board, has now grown to include a club of 70 people. And this number is still growing. The club consists of various people, from young people to seniors, retirees, people working mainly in the forest district and running their own apiaries. Having such a huge number of people to help and monitor the environment, we have a huge impact on what is happening in our society and the natural environment. Our success is even greater because we are constantly gaining new members. We have new requests for new meetings and training. By analyzing surveys conducted on CLUB members, we tailor workshops precisely to the current needs in the local community. It was difficult to adjust the training dates to the available dates of the premises, each organization had its own calendar of events and synchronization with our INTEGRATION was quite a challenge. Thanks to the members of the FOUNDATION CLUB, we will operate more efficiently, respond to needs, integrate and cooperate better with other organizations. Our Foundation acquired audio-video equipment that significantly improved the level of meetings and added professionalism to the workshops. The recognition of our Foundation has increased significantly and we are now invited to other schools, kindergartens and KGW. Knowledge about management during training during the grant will be used successfully in the further development of the FOUNDATION''s members.
In the long run, thanks to the members FOUNDATION CLUB we will operate more efficiently, respond to needs, integrate and cooperate better with other organizations. Cooperation with The Foundation benefited the Płońsk Forest District - they have allies in monitoring illegal garbage dumps; KGW acquired an apiary and its own honey; Senior Club and Secondary School cyclical meetings and workshops. Our Foundation acquired audio-video equipment which significantly improved the level meetings and added professionalism to the workshops. The recognition of our Foundation has increased significantly and we are now invited to other schools, kindergartens and KGW. Management knowledge during training during the grant will be used successfully in the further development of members FOUNDATION.