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The Institute for the Protection of the Landscape of Pomerania, as an expert civic voice, fills the gap in the life of the region. It brings together experts in spatial planning and the protection of the natural and cultural landscape, its researchers and enthusiasts, active in social negotiations regarding actions and plans for its transformation. We recognize the need to intensify interdisciplinary reflection, dialogue and education about the importance of landscape as a value and fundamental right, drawing on the experience of other regions of the world. We have profiled our activities in this respect. To achieve a measurable impact on reality, we strive to strengthen our voice in the public debate. A two-day study, training and integration trip of Institute''s members (task 1) will enable better recognition of the association''s potential and the exchange of its team''s experiences and views, enhancing internal communication channels and verification of the current methods of operation. A professional website (task 2) will be the showcase of the organization and a medium of communication with recipients of activities, promoting knowledge about the landscape of Pomerania, its condition and threats. The socio-scientific forum (task 3) will strengthen the recognition and message of the association. The session/debate/workshop/author''s meeting formula will enable reaching various stakeholder groups. As a dialogue platform, it is a step towards an inter-sectoral coalition for the protection of the region''s landscape. Through legal and expert consultations (task 4), we will support local initiatives to develop optimal solutions in the area of conflicting interests.