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The aim of the project is to create a website containing reliable, well elaborated and attractively presented data on the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. We want every interested person to be able to, on their own and in a simple way, check the most important information about the scale and characteristics of the crisis and find out how they can contact us for personalised data.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to create a website of our Association containing reliable, well-developed and attractively visualized data on the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border - so that every interested person could independently, in a simple way, check the most important information on the scale and characteristics of the crisis and know how to contact us to obtain more individualized data studies. An element necessary for the creation of the website was also the creation of the Association''s logo. At the same time, we wanted to strengthen the advocacy activities of the entire coalition of the Granica Group and to unify the strategies of the organizations co-creating it.
Action 1 entitled: Developing the competences of the WAM team in the field of data collection and visualization: - A workshop was held to increase the competences of the team in the field of working with people in a crisis situation and obtaining informed consent to use the stories of people on the road for communication purposes; - Data visualization training was held; - Technical consultations were held on data visualization. Action 2 entitled: Developing a strategy for cooperation with the media and graphic identification: - A discussion was held on the use of data on the situation on the border during the Researchers on the Border seminar; - Meetings were held with a member of parliament on the use of data collected by WAM in their work; - An online interview was held with a journalist from the Pismo magazine, who worked on a report on the situation on the border and used our numbers and analyses in it; - Cooperation with a marketing agency allowed us to define the role of WAM in the advocacy and communication activities of the Grupa Granica coalition. The meetings resulted in the creation of a joint communication strategy for the coalition; - The WAM logo was created. Action 3 entitled creation of a website: - The website was created. - On March 25, a panel discussion on the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border was held as part of the series "Cinema on a leaven: Fortress Europe", where we presented the newly created website. Action 4. Workshop for partner organizations on conducting advocacy activities: - On October 22, 2023, a workshop on conducting advocacy activities was held. The workshop allowed us to quickly define the context in which we operate and map the areas that we should address in the next year. The workshop also contributed to the creation of an inter-organizational advocacy group that works together to change the situation on the border.
1. 1 website was created (, which was publicly launched on March 25. From that moment until the end of April, the website was visited by 421 people, who opened it 1.1 thousand times (data measured using Google Analytics). During the first month of operation, we collected a lot of positive opinions, especially in the matter of making the reports publicly available and collecting them in one place, which had previously been sent by email. The creation of the website and making the reports public also motivated us to describe in a more transparent way the methodology we use to conduct interviews and collect quantitative data. 2. According to the plan, 1 information meeting was held (as part of the Kino na Zaczynie - Twierdza Europa series), at which representatives of our Association presented the website and participated in a panel on the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border. The event was public and was attended largely by young people who were not actively involved in activities on the border. 3. The advocacy workshop, attended by 40 people from 14 organizations, contributed to the creation of an inter-organizational advocacy group working to improve the situation of people on the road on the Polish-Belarusian border. The group operates and engages in numerous meetings with representatives of the authorities, and is also a platform for the intersection of the activities of individual organizations so that they complement each other. 4. The training and data visualization workshop allowed us to understand our needs and the available technical possibilities regarding the visualization of WAM data. Selected people from the Association were trained to be able to use the selected tools independently. 5. The Association''s logo was created along with a brand book, versions for use depending on the context. 6. The role of WAM in the communication strategy of the Grupa Granica coalition was defined.