Civic challenge - get involved!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation ""Follow Your Passion""(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The project is a response to the problem of low civic engagement and lack of space for young people from the Biłgoraj Municipality to get involved in shaping local policy on keeping the municipality''s forests clean. The project aims to increase public participation of Biłgoraj residents, including young people aged 12-25, in shaping local policy on maintaining cleanlines of the Biłgoraj environment . As part of the project, we carry out civic workshops, study visits and run a social campaign. We carry out a diagnosis of the state of the environment in the municipality and organise open meetings with residents about ecology. We carry out civic initiatives and jointly develop decisions on solutions that will improve local policy on keeping the environment in the Biłgoraj Municipality clean. The effects of the activities will be disseminated at a conference summarising the project. The result of the project will be a more effective local policy on maintaining cleanliness of green areas in the Biłgoraj Municipality. The project is implemented from November 2022 to May 2024.

Summary of project results

The project was a response to the problem of low civic involvement and lack of space for the involvement of young people from the commune. Biłgoraj in shaping the local policy that is important to them, regarding maintaining the cleanliness of their commune''s forests. The project responded to the following needs: - low level of young people''s knowledge about local politics. and democratic mechanisms, understanding why they are important and help in making decisions, especially during local conflicts, - lack of space to use civic knowledge in practice, - lack of good examples and good practice of involvement in local politics by adult residents of the commune, - low sense of agency in young people, - the littered natural environment of the commune is unpleasant, people''s lives are worse, and this affects worse relationships with people and limits the number of activities, not only among youth, but also between people. above the problems were important and important for the citizens of the commune. Biłgoraj, but above all for young people who have the greatest enthusiasm and determination to act. Failure to take action would deepen the existing problems of young people not only in terms of cleanliness of the natural environment, but also the lack of social dialogue.

Activities and products in the periodic report: - 105 hours of workshops for 49 people - 3 one-day study visits, the aim of which was to familiarize participants with the experiences and good practices of involving young people in the implementation of local policies in other communes of the province. Lublin, understanding the essence of democratic mechanisms and decision-making for the local community. A total of 58 people took part in all visits. - 1 social campaign including 8 billboards, 6 media articles and 3 reports from the Biłgoraj Cable Television, - 9 diagnoses of the natural environment, requiring intervention and improvement in cleaning. The result of each diagnosis was a report on the work of the research group, with a list of problems, places requiring action, their causes, effects, and their impact on the quality of life of the residents. - 15 completed civic initiatives, 408 residents participating in the initiatives. The initiatives were participatory in nature, actively and directly involving the local community - 16 hours of dialogue meetings were held, - 1 recommendation and action program regarding local policy was created, - 15 hours of meetings were conducted as part of the Implementation Path, - 1 evaluation report was prepared - 1 film was created about the results of the project. - 1 conference was held for 83 people.

The project achieved the following results: 1. Increasing the knowledge and competences of 49 people. (20 girls and 29 boys) and creating an opportunity for them to have a personal, positive experience of involvement in shaping local policy. 2. Obtaining positive experience in managing the cleanliness of the natural environment through dialogue, developing joint decisions and their implementation by 515 residents. about different positions. 3. Obtaining positive experience in managing the cleanliness of the natural environment through dialogue, developing joint decisions and their implementation 3. Increasing awareness of approx. 20 thousand residents of the Biłgoraj commune on the benefits of civic involvement at the local level. 4. Raising the standards of political 1 lock. in maintaining the cleanliness of the natural environment of the Biłgoraj commune and their implementation by various groups of residents. The direct recipients of the project were 49 people. gr. youth: 16-25 years old, mainly from villages in the commune. Biłgoraj, participating in all project activities. The project''s direct recipients also include 466 people. gr. citizens of the commune Biłgoraj of different ages, representing different social groups. and sectors, actively participating in initiatives, dialogue meetings and conferences. The total number of direct recipients is 515 people. The indirect recipients of the project are the community of the commune. Biłgoraj - 20 thousand axis. of different ages, recipients of the social campaign, communication activities, film The project was an extension of the activities carried out by the Leader in the field of youth civic participation and an extension of the Partners'' activities for the cleanliness of green areas in the Biłgoraj commune.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.