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Summary of project results
The project "STRENGTHEN - An innovative program to achieve well-being in the senior age" is an innovative development and training project. It is a response to the reported needs of communities working with seniors, to current, serious and long-term crises affecting seniors (pandemic, war in Ukraine, economic crisis, family crisis), which affect the well-being of seniors and have significantly changed the meaning of work activating and socially including older people . The project counteracts the marginalization of seniors, starts the process of building well-being and improves the competences of people working in the senior area.
We started and ended the project with conferences. The "STRENGTHEN" program, developed, tested in a group of seniors and educators and disseminated among educators, strengthened the well-being of seniors and educators and equipped both groups with an innovative tool. We have prepared a PROGRAM FOR ACHIEVING WELL-BEING in seniors @WzMOCnieni, we carried out two pilots - with a group of seniors and with a group of senior educators. We have prepared and published the textbook "Well-being Enhancer" and "Well-being Cards", thanks to which seniors strengthen integration, self-esteem and well-being and reduce the level of anxiety and social exclusion. We trained students and working senior educators, invited them to training and provided mentoring. Equipped with knowledge, skills and tools, the staff disseminates the program in institutions, offering individually selected support paths for a person/group.
We responded to the diagnosed need to improve educators and the need for new methods and tools for working with seniors, which will be helpful in restoring the emotional balance of seniors feeling the isolating effects of the pandemic, affected directly or indirectly by war trauma and other senior age crises. We have provided new solutions to better respond to the needs of seniors at risk of social exclusion. Thanks to the program, we have increased the level of motivation and the sense of emotional security among seniors Educators and seniors expressed satisfaction with the proposed method as well as curiosity and readiness for further development. THE PROGRAM is a motivational method to further deepen knowledge. It is needed and brings benefits in the work of educators (they have a ready, interesting, innovative work tool) and serves seniors (feedback from seniors participating in the pilot) and from educators who work with their senior groups. Results - A well-being PROGRAM that serves seniors thanks to trained educators. - tools (Toolbox "Well-being enhancer" for educators and "Well-being cards" for seniors) - pilot workshops for both groups - training for two groups of educators and students - 2 conferences - 1 study visit to Iceland - project funpage - 12 seniors took part in the pilot of the STRENGTHENED WELL-BEING PROGRAM and were equipped with tools - 44 educators were equipped with new competences and tools for working with seniors - 50 people took part in the conference ending the project and the number of people present online was 414 people. Benefits for a) educators: innovative work methods and tools, new scenarios, experiences, contacts professional – they will strengthen them as professionals and equip them with new competences. b) seniors - experience of the healing power they have in dealing with crises, achieving internal balance and well-being.
Summary of bilateral results
The cooperation was exemplary. The transnational partners (2 institutions) cooperated with us from the beginning of the project, even at the stage of its writing. In the conference starting on 01.12.2022, one of the partners led a workshop. Throughout the project implementation, they were in constant contact, especially the partner from OS Pressan, with experts, exchanging concepts, experiences, which was included in the developed PROGRAM. The partners shared their know-how at the stage of creating the preliminary and final version of the Tool (the scenarios and theoretical introductions included in it are also partly the substantive contribution of the partners). The excellently prepared study visit to Iceland was also an inspiration for us during conceptual work (learning about a wide range of work methods, meetings with institutions and people/experts broadened our view of the well-being of a group affected by social exclusion, which are seniors. Both partners also participated in the visit to Poland (November 3-9, 2023), both conducted workshops, sharing methods with participants and presenting to us how to conduct a model element of the workshop using methods implemented by partners. The partners also gave us feedback on the proposal of the PROGRAM for well-being prepared by us and the final version of the product (Amplifier-guide and well-being cards). They also declared further cooperation, the result of which is a project submitted jointly by the Via Salutis Foundation and the partner from Os Pressan to the Erasmus + program, which we have been implementing since January 2024. One of the partners also prepared a recorded presentation for the conference ending the project in March 2024.