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The aim of the project is to raise awareness of gender discrimination in local authorities in the Opole and Lower Silesia Provinces and to prevent such discrimination. For many years, we have been discussing discrimination with women who are active, committed and highly qualified, but who are still overshadowed by their male colleagues. These conversations have encouraged us to investigate the obstacles women face in their activities. We believe that more women and girls will have influence, power and the opportunity to fulfil their potential if a change is made in their environment. As part of the project, we are conducting research and preparing a report on the forms and effects of gender discrimination. We are implementing an educational campaign addressed to local governments. We organise ‘circles’ for local women leaders - these are cyclical meetings for women and girls where participants learn from each other how to respond to discrimination and support each other. We are preparing a ''new table'' - a set of materials, advice and guidance aimed at NGOs working with local governments. The direct beneficiaries of the project are local activists - councillors, village leaders and women and girls who are just starting their activities. Indirect beneficiaries of the project are decision-makers in municipal councils, youth organisations and anti-discrimination activists. Our partner is the Europa Iuvenis Association, which supports us in developing and testing the materials.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to increase awareness of gender discrimination in local governments in the Opole and Lower Silesian Voivodeships and to prevent such discrimination. For years, we have been talking about discrimination with women who are active, committed, and highly qualified, but still remain in the shadow of their colleagues. These conversations encouraged us to explore the obstacles women face in their businesses. We believe that more women and girls will have the influence, power and opportunity to realize their potential if changes are made in their environment. The direct beneficiaries of the project were local activists - councilors, village heads, and women and girls who are just starting to act. The indirect recipients of the project were decision-makers in municipal councils, youth organizations and anti-discrimination activists.
As part of the project: - We carried out research and published a report on the forms and effects of gender discrimination: "The image of local activists". This study focused on performance characteristics in local government and community settings. A shortened popular science version of this report is also available. - We carried out an educational campaign addressed to local governments. A brochure addressed to local activists was created - "Guide", which explains how you can support women leaders in your environment. The brochure was sent to all Municipal, District and Voivodeship Councils in the Opole and Lower Silesian Voivodeships. You can also download it online and watch the video explanations that accompany the "Guide". - We organized circles for local leaders - these are cyclical strengthening meetings for women and girls, during which participants support each other and strengthen competences that are particularly important in their activities. Based on the research and meetings held, scenarios for the Circles were prepared so that local activists could organize themselves and conduct Circles among themselves. The topics of the meetings are selected to strengthen the participants in their activities and respond to their declared needs. - We have prepared "New Table", a set of materials, advice and tips addressed to non-governmental organizations working with local governments. These are materials intended for trainers to include the topic of gender equality in their work with local government, regardless of the topic of their meeting. The exercises are of various lengths and touch 5 areas identified on the basis of research. The idea behind the activity is to reach out to activists and change their awareness of the problem.
Strengthening trip - 15 people. The workshops brought positive changes to their participants - young activists. Some people work in local organizations or grassroots initiatives. Circles - 47 people. After the workshops, the participants declared greater self-confidence and self-awareness, the ability to cope with criticism or stress, the ability to react in difficult situations and look at the problem from a broader perspective. Thanks to the workshops, some of them understood the need for changes. And they also gained motivation to act. One (councillor) decided to run for the position of mayor in the local elections. Guidebook - 247 communes, 37 poviats and 2 provincial councils each received 15 copies of the materials, which are distributed to the activists'' circles. We expect local governments to open up about the situation of women and girls they encounter every day at work. Sponsored posts about “Poradniczka” on Instagram and Facebook reached 39,181 recipients (video-explainer); reels with a reach of 47,600 views on Instagram (regarding downloading or ordering shipment). Visibility itself contributes to increasing awareness of the issues faced by local women and gives recipients the first step they can take to respond to the problem. Nowy Stoł - materials available on our website and for all interested people. In May 2024, we started implementing the project, which we treat as a continuation of "Self-governing". This project was prepared taking into account our new experience and the conclusions we gained from working with local activists. We plan to create a network of local activists in the Opole Voivodeship, organize Circle meetings according to the created scenarios and support the creation of local Women''s Councils. We treat all these activities as a continuation of activities using the resulting results and knowledge.