Next generations in Pomorie Municipality – more responsible in resources use and involved in circular economy transformation through educational, awareness and promotional-demonstration measures

Project facts

Project promoter:
Primary School ""Hristo Botev"" - Bata(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
International Development Norway AS(NO)
Other Project Partners
Kindergarten “Silver Bell” - Stratsin(BG)
Primary School Saint Paisii Hilendarski - Kableshkovo(BG)


Twelve schools and seven kindergartens in the area of Pomorie, in partnership with IDN Norway, will design and conduct educational campaigns to inform about resource management, waste recycling and circular economy. Experts in the field will elaborate numerous educational courses to be included in the national undergraduate curriculum. Other activities include demonstrations on waste recycling in schools, pairing with Norwegian schools to examine and apply their approach as to how circular economy is taught in school and effective public awareness initiatives to involve the public in the process.

To engage the community in this initiative, the project also envisages the organisation of an eco-tournament between educational institutions by conducting different types of eco-competitions between children from different age groups and 2 promotional-demonstration excursions for students from Hristo Botev Primary School in Bata village and for Sv. Paisii Hilendarski Primary School in Kableshkovo, both aimed at acquiring practical knowledge about recycling, waste reuse and the circular economy among the young generation.

More information about the project could be found at the following web site:



Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.