Development of the organizational capacity of the HALO 2019 Foundation

Project facts

Project promoter:
HALO Foundation 2019(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Impact Drive Foundation(BG)


HALO Foundation is a small local non-governmental organization that works with a compact team on various projects and volunteer initiatives. Engaged with project work, our team finds it difficult to find time and resources to develop the foundation''s organizational capacity. And it is of key importance in dealing with challenges at the local level, especially in unforeseen situations and moments of crisis. Through this project, we aim to increase the capacity of the HALO Foundation to work in emergency situations and improve the sustainability of the organization. For this purpose, we plan to evaluate the current state of HALO, using the theory of change to prepare a strategy for the development of the organization, a program for action in crisis situations and a program for working with volunteers. The implementation of the project will contribute to unfolding the full potential of the HALO Foundation and improving the coordination and cooperation of the organization''s team members. This, in turn, will lead to the confirmation of HALO at the local level and an increase in the effectiveness of its actions, which will have a direct impact on the residents of Haskovo municipality, where the organization works.

Summary of project results

The main goal of the project was aimed at building the internal organizational capacity of the HALO 2019 Foundation (HALO).

In a series of workshops and under the mentorship of experts, the organization''s team carried out an analysis of the foundation''s work context, an analysis of the structure and internal organization. Then, using various tools such as DISC, SWOT analysis, Theory of Change, we developed a vision and strategy for the development of HALO. The strategy was also wrapped up in a detailed action plan, which we are already implementing. The creation of HALO''s development strategy with a 5-year horizon allowed the team to prioritize the initiatives on which the organization is working, to plan how to achieve HALO''s financial sustainability step by step, as well as to pay more attention to operational tasks in the organization.
In support of HALO''s organizational development, a volunteer work program was developed within the project, which enabled the organization to plan in detail how it could use volunteering resources to increase the number of like-minded people to our causes on the one hand and to filling the deficits of human resources in the implementation of our main initiatives, on the other hand. A plan for working in crisis situations was also developed, which created an opportunity for a more adequate response and greater sustainability of the organization in moments of crisis.


The implementation of the project led to the building of organizational capacity and greater sustainability of the HALO Foundation. For the first time since the creation of the organization, our team had the opportunity to discuss and finalize the goals, vision and mission of the organization. The involvement of the entire team, including volunteers and external contractors working on projects, contributed to their better inclusion in HALO, to a better understanding of the organization and their role in it. Our team learned how to analyze the environment in which the foundation operates, learned to distribute tasks in the team after taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of each of its members, learned how to prioritize goals and activities in the organization and plan in details operational tasks. These knowledge and skills will undoubtedly be useful for the HALO Foundation, but also for our team members as individuals. In the long term, they will help us to find the balance between personal and work life, to better deal with unforeseen situations in the organization, to better plan HALO''s goals and the activities that lead to their achievement.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.