Countering disinformation: e-lessons from Bulgaria’s past

Project facts

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We will produce four short films to educate schoolchildren and the public more generally about propaganda and disinformation. Each film will take an episode from Bulgaria’s history, including a famous “myth” that’s treated as established fact, and debunk it. In this way, we aim to illuminate how “fake news” comes into being, and encourage critical thinking and media literacy today. Each film will feature archive footage from the time, and commentary from experts and eye-witnesses where possible. The project is in response to the war in Ukraine, and the widespread use of Russian disinformation. 

As well as producing the films we will create a bespoke platform on the updated MyCentury website to host them and to use as a resource to host other material related to the debunking of disinformation. This platform will contribute to the sustainability of the project - it will be curated and maintained by MyCentury after the project ends.  We plan a social media campaign to drive users to the site, spreading the reach of the films, particularly among young people. We are also aiming for coverage in the main Bulgarian media outlets, and have an agreement in principle to air the films on the TV channel TV1. 

Summary of project results

The project is in response to the war in Ukraine, which has increased disinformation from Russia and the spread of fake news. This causes a deep division in society and places the need to focus on increasing critical thinking and media literacy.The project aimed to debunk well-established myths from Bulgaria''s recent history and raise the issue of some unspoken "taboos" among a large part of society. Four short educational films were prepared and discussions were held on the need to rethink the past as a way to counter misinformation today. The subjects of these archival footage films are: Bulgaria''s Communist Border; Dual Liberators?; Bulgaria, a reluctant Nazi Ally?; Romas building Socialism? 

Links to the movies:





With the showing of the four educational films, a discussion of the problems of Bulgaria''s history was sparked in the national media and social networks, including among many of the young audience (via TicToc). The films used archive footage, much of it never before seen, and led to constant juxtapositions with the present day. The project presented and analyzed tools used by propagandists and disinformers in the past to recognize these techniques today.

The main target groups of our project: Roma mediators, teachers, university professors, and end users: schoolchildren and students, were actively involved in the preparation of the films and their shooting, as well as in the discussions on the topics of the films. The four new films on the strengthening of democratic culture and civic education are included in the electronic textbooks of the "Prosveta" publishing house, were also shown on the TV channel TV1, and were included in lectures for political science students at the New Bulgarian University.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.