Sustainable solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation in small municipalities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Chelopech Municipality(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
International Development Norway AS(NO)
Other Project Partners
Ecotech Consult(BG)
Koprivshtitsa Municipality(BG)
Mirkovo Municipality(BG)
Zlatitsa Municipality(BG)

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Chelopech, Zlatitsa, Mirkovo and Koprivshtitsa – four Bulgarian municipalities, Ecotech Consult and International Development Norway will work together to increase the capacity of local administration to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. This involves training for the staff, study trips to Norway, drafting appropriate local policies on climate change and implementation of six pilot mitigation measures in the municipalities.

 In Chelopech, they will install a solar panel on the roof of the school and a charging station for electric vehicles, powered by the sun in the parking lot. The youth centre in Koprivshtitsa will produce its own electricity from a solar system on the roof, just as the kindergarden and the school in Mirkovo, while the citizens of Zlatitsa will receive containers to compost their biodegradable waste.

Another key aspect is the dissemination of good practices from Norway in the field of adaptation to climate change and the development of local plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which will be discussed on an additional seminar held with the Norwegian project partner. The main focus will be on the implemented policies in various sectors, which have a positive impact on climate change mitigation and adaptation

Within the project there will be developed and implemented 6 pilot and innovative mitigation measures and CCA in the Bulgarian municipalities in implementation of their strategic plans and programs. This initiative is in line with the EU''s objectives of reducing GHG emissions, support the renewable energy production and energy efficiency for the period 2020 and 2030, paving the way for the long-term goal of a climate-neutral economy by 2050.


More information about this initiative is available on the official website of the project:


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