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The project is addressed to women from the Lubelskie Province who are at risk of unequal treatment in social and professional life, including those who have already experienced various forms of discrimination, microaggression or exclusion. As part of the project, 20 women will take part in a series of trainings aimed at developing their leadership skills. The trainings will cover such areas as: a WenDo method of empowerment, assertiveness and self-defense, preventing discrimination, personal energy management and well-being, diversity in a team and in an organisation, nonviolent communication (NVC), leadership and crisis management, a female leader as a strategist, and leadership based on personal authority. A total of 96 clock hours of training will be delivered by experienced female educators. When recruiting the participants, we will take into account not only their place of residence, but also their age and family situation. As a result, the women involved in the project’s activities will learn how to be conscious, effective and proactive leaders, and how to develop assertiveness, self-confidence and care for personal well-being. As part of the project, we will also conduct a social campaign aimed at disseminating information on gender equality, diversity, counteracting discrimination, and promoting women''s leadership. The campaign will be targeted at all residents of the Lublin City and the Lublin Province, with a special focus on employers. We will use various communication channels and messages, including videos, mailing, social media, media releases, etc.).
Summary of project results
The project responded to the issue of inequality, discrimination and gender-based violence. In particular among women from smaller towns, in situations of social disadvantage (social, cultural, economic reasons, situation on the labor market, care for a dependent person).
We organized a series of development training courses, ranging from topics related to GBV, counteracting stereotypes, gender-based discrimination, through diversity management, to issues of leadership, management and strategic competences.
As part of our activities, we managed to achieve the expected results:
1) raising awareness of women''s rights in the social and economic sphere, diversity, anti-discrimination, gender equality, leadership
women among employers, individuals among min. 1,100 people
2) increase in knowledge about equal treatment and awareness of women''s rights as a result of a social campaign among others. 1,100 people
3) an increase in the sense of security, assertiveness and self-confidence of women who received the help
support by at least 20% compared to the initial state
4) increase in leadership competences by at least 20%