Women''s Academy

Project facts

Project promoter:
Expert - Kujawy Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


The project is addressed to 30 women from the Inowroclaw County who have experienced (directly or indirectly) domestic violence: psychological, physical, economic or sexual. Violence against women is a serious social problem. Research shows that a quarter of all recorded acts of violence are directed against women. Family abuse is the most frequently committed crime in Poland, after crimes against property and life. It is usually not a one-off incident. Domestic violence is a more frequent cause of injury among women than all other incidents, such as car accidents, assaults or rape by strangers. Studies show that men who commit family violence come from all social and occupational groups. During the pandemic, the problem of domestic violence has become even more serious. This especially refers to small towns, where the issue is rarely spoken of, with shame, and often with indifference. The activities supporting women in the ‘Academy for Women’ project are divided into 3 ‘zones’: Development Zone, Action Zone and Comfort Zone. We will support professionals who work with victims of violence on a daily basis. We will carry out a ‘Women for Women’ campaign, during which information resources will be developed and distributed in order to sensitise the local community to the phenomenon of violence. We will also hold a county conference ‘See? React!’ dedicated to the subject of violence against women.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.