Poland for a good start

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Vox Humana(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The project responds to the challenges faced by 33 people from Afghanistan who stay at the Detention Centre for Foreigners in Bialystok. In August 2021, the Polish government carried out an evacuation of the Afghans who collaborated with the Polish Military Contingent and diplomats. According to the Office for Foreigners, there are approx. 1,000 people in the care of the office. These people are facing problems and challenges related to dramatic change in their life situation due to the political crisis in Afghanistan. They have to become accustomed to their new living conditions and need legal support in case of violation of their human rights or unequal treatment. Such support is necessary for them to start a new life with refugee status already granted. They may be involved in conflicts with so-called ‘old residents’ of the Detention Centre for Foreigners for whom this situation is also difficult. As part of the project, we will carry out 70 hours of legal consultations, 211 hours of adaptation courses, and 121 hours of integration activities for 33 refugees from Afghanistan and other residents of the Detention Centre for Foreigners as well as 8 hours of substantive support for the Centre''s employees. The beneficiaries will be protected from possible situations of human rights violations and unequal treatment or institutional violence during and after the refugee procedure. The project will make it easier for the target group (33 people) to find themselves in a new life situation.

Summary of project results

On August 15, 2021, the Taliban captured the capital of Afghanistan - Kabul, and thousands of people were forced to flee fearing for their lives. The Government of the Republic of Poland carried out an evacuation of Afghan collaborators of the Polish Military Contingent and diplomacy. According to data from the Office for Foreigners from August 27, 2021, 1,024 people were under the office''s care in Poland. Some of them were accommodated in the Center for Foreigners in Białystok.
Project titled “Poland – a good start” was implemented in the period from November 15, 2021. until March 15, 2022 It was an intervention in the area of legal assistance, adaptation to the new situation and integration of a group of refugees from Afghanistan staying in the Center for Foreigners in Białystok. It was an adequate response to the diagnosed problems of the target group, related to the diametric change in their life situation as a result of the political crisis in Afghanistan and the need to suddenly leave their country.

As part of the intervention project, in the period from November 15, 2021 to March 15, 2022, we implemented:
1. 211 hours of adaptation courses for 33 people from Afghanistan (children and adults). They allowed us to get used to new living conditions, in a new situation and cultural and linguistic context.
2. 70 hours of lawyer support, necessary during, among others: complicated refugee procedure, ensuring protection against possible situations of human rights violations and unequal treatment or even institutional violence. 13 people took advantage of this form of support. adult refugees from Afghanistan.
3. 121 hours integration activities for the Center''s residents. 15 people from Afghanistan and 20 people from the so-called "old residents" of the Center. This form of support was necessary to prevent tensions that appeared from the very beginning. It was necessary to explain to "old residents and children" the situation in which people arriving from Afghanistan found themselves, and to alleviate bad feelings related to the fact that help, e.g. in the form of gifts, was directed only to people from Afghanistan. We noticed that thanks to the classes, there was integration, especially among children living in the Center.
4. The situation related to the inflow of people from Afghanistan has created completely new challenges for the Center''s employees. During 8 hours training for 25 people (employees of the Center, security staff, kitchen staff, cleaning service staff, medical staff and social workers from MOPR, as well as the staff and management of Primary School No. 26 in Białystok) gained practical knowledge about Afghanistan and the specifics of working with refugees from Afghanistan. Additionally, we recorded 1 meeting summarizing the project. A group of 20 people discussed the situation of children with migration experience in Polish schools. Teachers from Primary School No. 26 in Białystok shared their experience, especially regarding communication barriers.

• wsparcie grupy 33 uchodźców i uchodźczyń z Afganistanu, w zakresie oswojenia, adaptacji do nowej sytuacji i  wsparcie prawne w zakresie ochrony przed możliwymi sytuacjami naruszenia praw człowieka i nierównego traktowania czy wręcz przemocy instytucjonalnej w procedurze uchodźczej i po zakończeniu procedury. Po zakończeniu projektu większość osób miała już nadane statusy i mogła planować dalsze życie. Stało się to o wiele łatwiejsze dzięki wsparciu prawnemu i zajęciom adaptacyjnym;
• podniesienie wiedzy społeczeństwa odbiorców naszych działań komunikacyjnych na stronie www i profilu FB, nt. wyzwań, przed jakimi stoją migranci i migrantki mieszkający w Polsce, wraz z refleksją nad prawami człowieka w kontekście migracji, zwłaszcza w nowej sytuacji konfliktu w Ukrainie: spotkanie podsumowujące, newsletter projektu i informacje zamieszczane były sukcesywnie na profilu FB organizacji – szacowana łączna liczba 500 os.
• stworzenie możliwości do poznania się i wspólnej pracy mieszkanek Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców (nowoprzybyłych z Afganistanu 15os jak i tzw. "starych "mieszkanek" głównie z Czeczeni - 20os) oraz dzieci podczas zajęć integracyjnych - 35 osób;
• podniesienie wiedzy 25 os - pracowników, współpracowników Ośrodka dla Cudzoziemców w Białymstoku oraz nauczycieli i nauczycielek SP nr 26 w Białymstoku, w zakresie podstawowej wiedzy o Afganistanie i specyfiki pracy z uchodźcami z Afganistanu i możliwych przypadków naruszenia praw człowieka;
• przeciwdziałanie możliwym sytuacjom konfliktowym wśród mieszkańców Ośrodka dzięki tłumaczeniu
„starym mieszkańcom/-kom” oraz dzieciom sytuacji, w jakiej znalazły się osoby z Afganistanu, łagodzenie złych odczuć związanych z faktem, że są pomijani w różnych formach pomocy np. darach czy zainteresowaniu mediów.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.