Philanthropy compass for effective partnerships

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bulgarian Donors Forum(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


2020 reconfirmed the trend for the donors’ community: disasters, accidents and crises generate an incredible wave of empathy, kindness and generosity. The Bulgarian Donors Forum (BDF) and other organizations working every day to develop giving in Bulgaria expect that the COVID-19-related wave of donations (together with the economic consequences of the crisis) will result in loss of follow-up support of causes and initiatives of civil society organizations in the country, what is more, at a time when new public and community needs will count on giving. That is why it is very important to work now to boost the capacity of civil society organizations to find supporters and donors in the new circumstances. However, it is important to develop the capacity of the donors’ organizations (foundations and companies) so that they can not only continue to donate but they can do it taking into account the lessons of the crisis and applying approaches that are adequate to the new needs: keeping a flexible approach to the time limits for making decisions to support, a clear focus of giving programmes, expanding the scope of supported organizations, developing reliable procedures and mechanisms for selection of partners. The project will contribute to boosting the capacity of civil society and donor organizations by developing analyses about giving and the donors’ environment, direct mentoring and consulting of donor and civil society organizations and work with institutions. At the same time the project will allow BDF to continue monitoring the work of the institutions and the regulatory framework they set up for donors and civil society organizations. The project will be implemented at national level and will not directly benefit disadvantaged groups. At the same time, however, many of the donor and civic organizations with which we will work address exactly such groups – both in the social and educational and legal spheres.

Summary of project results

The project approach was conventionally divided into three strands - 1) responding to the needs of NGOs for new partnerships, 2) targeting philanthropic organizations for better guidance in finding partners among NGOs and more effective involvement and engagement of staff in philanthropic initiatives, and 3) targeting the general public for better understanding of the value of philanthropy and recognition of philanthropy as a natural way of expressing citizenship in support of important public causes.

Main results achieved within the project:

  • NGO Infobank - a mechanism for NGOs to request donor support needs, but also an encouragement tool for corporate donors to offer material donations to NGOs. The NGO Infobank has 170 registered organisations and over 150 corporate donations have been coordinated through this tool, providing over 4,100 items (furniture, equipment, machinery, etc.) free of charge;
  • Mentoring program for NGOs - we held three editions of the program, which involved representatives of a total of 39 organizations from across the country with different profiles and experience;
  • A series of thematic meetings for philanthropic organizations on topics related to corporate philanthropy, ESG standards for sustainable management, standards for philanthropic practices;
  • The "Learn to Give" concept of philanthropy, giving and active participation reached children from more than 100 classes across the country; a special element of the lessons was the students'' meetings with NGO practitioners, which contributed to a better knowledge of their work among adolescents;
  • A rich palette of resource materials, guidelines aimed at both NGOs and philanthropists on a variety of topics; a "You Ask, We Answer" column with 29 publications on specific issues to support the work of NGOs and their efforts to attract supporters and donors;
  • Weekly monitoring of the practices of media coverage of philanthropic initiatives and the work of the institutions with regard to the regulatory environment that is relevant to the civil sector and private donors in particular;
  • Research and analysis on practices in the field of philanthropy that have been widely covered by the media.

The project consolidated the role of the BDF as a reliable, expert, and efficient infrastructure organization. The confidence gained, the new operational skills will contribute to building our capacity to operate and achieve subsequent organizational and programmatic as well as financial sustainability.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.