The child - a subject of their rights: access to care and therapeutic support

Project facts

Project promoter:
Child and Space Association(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Turning the child from an object to a subject of his/her rights is a challenge both for the specialists who support children at risk and the civil society as a guarantor of respect for the fundamental human rights. We are witnessing a great change, i.e. digitalization of communication, which raises a lot of questions about an important group of rights of children at risk who need permanent therapeutic support. The project aims at guaranteeing these rights in communication in a digital environment. The project activities will be implemented during 18 months and they directly aim at creating and applying an innovative model of providing specialized support in the digital environment as a guarantee of the fundamental human rights. The activities will be in line with the specific objective of development and use of educational tools to protect human rights. In the short term the innovative project will be applied for a certain group of users of specialized services in four municipalities and in the long term the project will be presented to a broad range of experts across the country. The direct beneficiaries of the project outputs will be children aged 0-17 and the target group/intermediaries will be civil society organizations and public institutions at national and local level. The target groups were selected based on the fact that they include the main range of specialists in social affairs who support children at risk and their families and need new understanding of the right of the child to be heard and need to have their skills developed towards this goal.

Summary of project results

The main challenge the project addresses is empowering the child with an understanding of his rights and how to exercise them in a digital environment.

The project developed and tested an innovative model for providing specialized support in a digital environment, as a guarantee of fundamental rights of the individual. The need for the project is in response to the changed post-Covid-19 environment for learning and interaction.

The project activities are related to the development and implementation of educational tools for human rights - a methodology for specialized work in a digital environment and the creation of video lessons for parents (6 pieces) and specialists (6 pieces) who work with children in conditions of social isolation. Online and face-to-face trainings on the methodology and several supervisions regarding its implementation were conducted.

The positive impact of the implemented project on the target groups is clear from the feedback - the videos are rated as up-to-date, timely and useful. The therapeutic methodology sets the framework of clinical supports in online counseling, which is increasingly spreading in the post-pandemic environment.

Methodology -

Manual -

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.