Neighborhood democracy in urban communities

Project facts

Project promoter:
BG Be Active(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Nabolagshager AS(NO)


Globalization and urbanization have turned communities into key players in the political life; communities with engaged citizens and a sense of pride often have less inequality, higher income and economic prospects. Local authorities in Bulgaria still enjoy great authority in the eyes of their communities, as their citizens stay away from decision-making. Despite the modern legal framework in Bulgaria, which is integrated in the EU acquis, the enforcement and control mechanisms have turned out to be complex and inadequate in realityOur project aims at strengthening civic space in urban communities in Bulgaria by means of democratic participation of people in the development of public space based on the concept of placemaking and promotion of local community policies in public administrations. The project will contribute to improving democratic culture and public awareness. In the course of the two-year project (September 2021 - September 2023) we will set the foundation of the placemaking for democracy methodology, support 10 community initiatives in 4 cities in Bulgaria and 10 community fora with local citizens,  create tools to launch civic initiatives and ensure community participation in the local decision-making process, and organize 4 structured dialogues at local level and 1 at national level to overcome the gap between legislation and its implementationThe project is implemented in partnership with Nabolagshager (NLH), Norway.Having extensive experience in placemaking, democratic participation, capacity boosting and advocacy, 2 experts from the organization will help carry out a good analysis of the good practices in Bulgaria, create the needed tools and organize training workshops for civil society organizations and local activists. This partnership will also provide for some advocacy in communication with public institutions.

Summary of project results

The project aims to engage and support citizens in the development of public spaces through the concept of placemaking and democratic dialogue at both local and national levels. This approach seeks to strengthen neighborhood democracy in local communities, inspire residents to participate in local political processes, and encourage trust among community members.

The project developed the concept of "Placemaking for Democracy" as a portable methodology to enhance civic participation in the community through dialogue and cooperation tools among citizens, civil organizations, and municipalities. The methodology was tested through 8 pilot placemaking interventions. In Harmanli, Stamboliyski, and Novi Iskar, the interventions engaged children, parents, and teachers in educational placemaking workshops and in creating green spaces for outdoor activities. In the Lyulin district of Sofia, the intervention involved individuals with visual impairments in creating a safe and accessible space for socializing. The remaining interventions in Sofia, Plovdiv, and Haskovo were focused on urban neighborhoods lacking accessible green areas, with the participation of local residents. Additionally, best practices and legislation in Bulgaria and Norway were examined, and local-level dialogues between citizens and municipal authorities were conducted to address community issues. The initiative involved local civic activists throughout the project period (in research, consultations, decision-making, training, etc.), as well as experts from various disciplines, institutions, and civil organizations.

Developed materials, targeted at civic activists, municipalities, schools, and small organizations, provide clear guidance on how to improve the participation of all stakeholders in the development of local communities. The resources are flexible, allowing for adaptation to specific contexts. The main tool, "Placemaking for Democracy," includes a study of key placemaking trends in Bulgaria and Norway with a comparative analysis between the two countries; a Community Handbook with tools for organizing placemaking projects, and a Municipal Handbook with guidelines for better citizen involvement (also published on the NSDRB website).

At the national level, the project brought together over 150 public activists, civil organizations, municipalities, national public institutions, and media to support the creation of the national placemaking network. The network continues to function as a hub for the exchange of information, practices, and challenges. The bottom-up approach has been embraced, with the methodology focused on the community level, local residents, and small organizations. This essentially allows addressing the challenges of the local context by providing better solutions. Unlike in other countries, the Placemaking network in Bulgaria is developed through the initiative of the civil (NGO) sector (in Norway, for example, it started through the initiative of public institutions).

Summary of bilateral results

The project partner (Nabolagshager) engaged as an expert in the methodology creation process (for research, impact measurement, resource development, and guidelines for organizing interventions). Their extensive experience in conducting such studies with a focus on improving civic participation in enhancing public spaces and organizing placemaking interventions ensured the professional implementation of the process. Due to financial difficulties faced by Nabolagshager, the organization withdrew from the project (September 01, 2021 – March 31, 2023). Nevertheless, the main project expert, Kim Weger, continued his commitments and completed the remaining deliverables.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.