Project facts

Project promoter:
Association NAIA(BG)
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The project will aim at boosting the capacity and sustainability of 12 civil society organizations (CSOs) in Bulgaria supporting victims of domestic violence to help reduce the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their work. The project meets the needs of the NGOs working with vulnerable groups to find new approaches and solutions to carry out their work in the situation of restrictions. The project will make the CSOs adapt better to the new conditions of the COVID-19 crisis by providing them with competence to work in a digital environment and use new technology to continue their work. The latter will help solve the issue of victims facing a difficult access to social services when bans and restrictive measures are introduced during and after the pandemic. Over the last months good practices of remote counselling of the victims have been observed at many places in the country. The project will examine, analyse and disseminate these good practices through events for sharing experience and expertise, a Guide and a webinar. The project will make CSOs more resilient to the crisis and will help them continue their activity without any interruption, including the services for the victims of domestic violence. The target group are 12 CSOs from across Bulgaria. The project will benefit the victims of domestic violence supported by the latter NGOs so that they can be provided with ongoing and accessible protection and support.

Summary of project results

The project has increased the capacity and sustainability of 23 civil society organizations in Bulgaria that support vulnerable groups, including victims of domestic violence, to reduce the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their activism. The project conducted the first study in Bulgaria and collected, systematized and disseminated information regarding various forms of support for victims of domestic violence - counseling programs, hotlines, crisis centers, mobile services, etc. The study analysis gave ideas and practical tools to civil society organizations from all over the country on how to continue their work in the new conditions and reduce the negative impact of the COVID crisis. The project shared a total of 13 good practices of NGOs from across the country that support victims of domestic violence. These practices were introduced after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and helped organizations keep their services accessible, high quality and adequate to the new conditions and new needs of victims. An electronic Manual was developed and distributed to 93 organizations and experts from various forms of support in Bulgaria.

On final account, victims of domestic violence benefited the most from the implementation of the project, because they had constant access to protection and support during the pandemic. This is important in the face of escalating domestic violence and an increasing number of victims seeking help.

The implementation of the project contributed to increasing the capacity of the NAIA team, which is now better prepared to work with new technologies for distance counseling, training, and presentation. The purchased technical equipment provided stability and opportunity for introduction of flexible forms of work of the administrative team and the consultants. In the long term, this is an opportunity for the organization to implement all its programs and projects. The project Manual can be found here:

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.