Loaded - Open. Digitisation, Accessibility and Educational Use of Art Collections in Memory Institutions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Olomouc Museum of Art, State allowance organisation(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
National Archives of Iceland(IS)
Other Project Partners
Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences(CZ)
The Moravian Library(CZ)


The aim of the project: to make the movable cultural heritage accessible for the public through digitisation and interactive on-line tools, and through this, to strengthen the administration and entrepreneurship in the field of culture.

 Olomouc Museum of Art in cooperation with the partners Moravian Library and National Archives of Iceland administrates works of art of various artistic value. The extraordinary valuable and the most endangered by degradation are the works on paper. That is what makes them long-term inaccessible for the public. This project will make them accessible through on-line tools and educational activities. Digitisation will remove the access barrier within Czech Rep. and on international level, too (especially for researchers, disabled people). Conservation care will be secured, too. Overall, there will be 83 600 works of art and book titles digitalised, which means  1 177 200 digital images / scans.

During the realisation, there will be 2 workshops held for conservators and restorers and 3 workshops/course for the digitisation administrators. Furthermore, a final conference for professionals from memory institutions will take place, 2 workshops for teachers and 24 education programmes for pupils. Moreover, there will be 4 workshops held for the public, 12 concerts, 18 workshops, 3 debate panels and 5 lectures. There will be cooperation running with designers, craft companies and regional entrepreneurs. Thanks to the project, new business activities and new jobs will develop.

Partnership with Moravian Library, Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences and National Archives Iceland guarantees the know-how of digitisation processes and presentation of digitalised copies. The relationships between Czech Republic and the donor country will be strengthened, and a new network of contacts enabling further common projects will be created, too.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.