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The purpose of the project is to create a digital platform, as a management tool to provide in-depth, systematic, up-to-date knowledge of the national landscape on the violence against women and domestic violence. This represents a strategic response to the territorial priorities of National Network for Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence''s (RNAVVD). The platform aims to deepen knowledge and investigate the violence against women and domestic violence at the local and regional level; monitor and evaluate public policies for prevention, protection and safety of victims; qualify, support and consolidate the intervention of the network services that integrate RNAVVD and its professionals for an articulated, informed, timely and effective intervention.
The design of the platform is based on 3 principles: establishing strategic partnerships between academia/private sector/organized civil society, privileging co-responsibility, multidisciplinarity and knowledge transfer; optimizing existing networks; meeting all social, cultural and local diversity as ethical imperatives. Based on these principles, the design of the platform is triggered by a process of benchmarking, as well as systematic monitoring of the entities involved in RNAVVD. Once the platform generates confidential information about victims, hearings will be held to gather fundamental contributions/guidelines (ethics, principles, concepts, norms, procedures, risks, etc.) to strengthen and ensure greater quality, security and effectiveness in the use of the platform.
The technical construction of platform considers 3 phases of execution: 1) design of the digital platform having as requirements all the guidelines (included those of preservation of the security of the data on the victims); 2) development of the platform, contemplating a testing phase; 3) delivery of the documentation, training of the user entities, as well as the specification of the requirements for its operation and effectiveness.
Summary of project results
The objective of the ViViDo project was to create a digital platform, as a management tool, to provide an in-depth, systematic and updated knowledge of the portuguese national panorama of violence against women and domestic violence.
This represents a strategic response to the territorial priorities of the National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence (RNAVVD).
The project''s results can be summarized in three types:
- reports (scientific/descriptive memory; semiannual technical and financial progress reports, memorandum / SWOT analysis);
- awareness-raising materials (digital brochure, webdocumentary, video, booklet, policy briefs, website, and project merchandising kit);
- ViViDo platform and related manuals.
The reports give a detailed account of the development of all the tasks associated with the 6 project activities, in their scientific, technical, administrative, and financial aspects.
The dissemination and awareness-raising materials were developed with different objectives and with different target audiences and can be consulted on the project''s website.
Finally, the most relevant product of the project is the platform itself, which was delivered accompanied by two manuals: the installation and administration manual and the user manual which, in addition to providing the necessary information on using the platform, also contains information on security and data protection issues. The ViViDo Platform is ready to be put online in a production environment and its start of operation is to be announced.
Output 3 - Improved system for the protection and prevention of domestic and gender-based violence
Beneficiaries of services provided or improved: 406 professionals (374 female; 31 male; 1 inters), belonging to 245 beneficiary entities (entities registered on the ViViDo Platform)
Share of professionals in the national support network satisfied with the shared information system: through a survey launched after the training sessions, the platform was evaluated by the users with a 90.4% overall satisfaction rate. These results were obtained through 146 responses from RNAVVD professionals: 129F, 17M.
Output 3.3.- Model system for coordinated multidisciplinary response to domestic and gender-based violence developed
Guidelines for the shared information system published: "ViViDo Platform User Manual" and "ViViDo Platform Installation and Administration Manual"
Professionals trained in the shared information system: 5 training workshops were held for RNAVVD professionals, covering a total of 406 professionals (374F; 31M; 1 not specified)
Summary of bilateral results
The partner AVINET (Asplan Viak Internet AS) participated in the activities :• Assistance in internal meetings on security issues of data collected on the platform• Regular monitoring (follow up) of the project, based on briefings with the portuguese team• Preparation of details about the graphic design, functional ergonomics and usability of the ViViDo platform• Support for the development of the ViViDo platform for the programming and graphic design team, with regard to UX design• Participation in all scientific meetings of the project (KoM, OgM and FM)