Decent work for social sector employees in Latvia

Project facts

Project promoter:
Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments(LV)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities(NO)
Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees(NO)
Other Project Partners
Latvian Trade Union of Local Government Employees(LV)

More information


The aim of the project was to enhance implementation of the decent work for social care sector workers in Latvia, highlighting the significance of the social dialogue as a key instrument for attaining fair and decent working conditions in the social sector. The project also aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation and transfer of Norwegian experience and knowledge.

The following activities were planned:

1. Kick off seminar for project partners, local governments and social services, national social sector authorities, and trade unions;

2. Four regional seminars and individual consultations to promote social dialogue between employers and trade unions (introduction to social dialogue, benefits of collective agreements, how to build trust and confidence, Norwegian experience). Individual consultations with minimum selected local governments who will start collective bargaining in the project after seminars.

3. Workshops and trainings for local politicians and leaders of municipal social service authorities. (mastery orientated leadership training (Norwegian experience); negotiating and communication skills; how to involve staff of the social services in decision-taking process; inter-institutional cooperation; identification and management of risk factors for social workers in high social risk environment etc.);

4. Elaboration of recommendations for implementing decent work in social sector to be endorsed by the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments and Latvian Trade Union of Local Government Employees as a joint commitment of both employers and employees;

5. Final conference - presentation of project results and outline of further steps to sustain the outcomes;

6. Awareness raising campaign on role of social dialogue in achieving decent work arrangements will be carried out throughout the project as project publicity activities, articles published on the websites and social media accounts of the project partners.


Summary of project results


The project has responded to an identified need of improving decent work for social sector  workers in Latvia and to strengthen social dialogue at local level.

The main outcomes of the project is contribution to fair and decent working conditions by offering appropriate training and strengthening skills (outcome 2); improvement of social dialogue through discussions and conclusion of collective agreement (outcome 1); and strengthening of bilateral cooperation between Latvia and Norway through cooperation and experience exchange with the Norwegian partners in project (outcome 4).  

Project implementation started with an opening conference gathering project partners and stakeholders with an aim to get an overview of project targets and activities.   

Workshops, seminars and training for local politicians and leaders of municipal social service authorities were carried out to enhance implementation of the decent work for social sector workers. These capacity-building activities focused on strengthening skills and competences of social workers and politicians in different fields applicable in their work – crisis management, response to changes, communication and management skills.  

Four regional seminars were organized on measures to promote social dialogue between employers and trade unions - covering topics of legislation, communication, decent work principles and experience exchange. Individual consultations were organized with local governments on elaboration of collective agreements to promote social dialogue as a key instrument for attaining fair and decent working conditions. A collective agreement was made in one municipality,  drafted in another one, and possibly concluded in other municipalities.  

Recommendations for implementing decent work in social sector in Latvia were elaborated, based on consultations and meetings with involved municipalities and other stakeholders, as well as analyses of legislation and current practices.

Several activities were postponed due to restrictions, however, implemented until the end of the project.

The feedback from participants was that the project provided a platform to exchange experience and discuss common challenges, as well as to learn and get advice from experts and other participants. Such training and support is crucial in times of crises and changes that especially affect the social sector.  


Summary of bilateral results

The role of Norwegian partners was sharing of experience, competence and tools, as well as participation in conferences and seminars. The partners were partly involved in the development of the project concept and the project recommendations. They were fully involved in the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the webinars and meetings, and assisted in connecting with other Norwegian stakeholders.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.