Open Beehive

Project facts

Project promoter:
Melissa:Network of migrant women in Greece(GR)
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The empowerment of refugee women is an indicator of the integration process with the host society & a wider approach to social cohesion. The purpose of this project is to provide an empowerment pathway through a comprehensive approach focusing on the range of needs, dynamics, resilience & potential of refugee women. Since 2016, Melissa Network has been running a holistic program of empowerment & integration, creating an active, vibrant community with direct involvement of migrant women leaders, through empowerment, education, information, creativity, safety & solidarity. The program combines 7 strands of activities adapted to the needs & characteristics of the target group. 1.Literacy: specifically designed tools & interactive methodology, operating at 5 different levels: (a.beginners, b.intermediate, c.advanced, d.homework support, e.transition from literacy) 2.Psychosocial support provided through a trauma-informed, culturally aware approach (combining group drama therapy & individual counselling) to treat trauma & PTSD restoring agency & building trust & confidence 3.Info cycles on health,education,employability,rights,etc.4.Art & Creativity encompasses activities that facilitate expression & contribute to the process of opening up & sharing 5.Media & Advocacy training to gain access to information & articulate their own speech 6. Skills & Capacity Building (computers, first aid, conflict resolution etc) creating access to employability & leadership 7. Self-care & Community Engagement in order to promote well-being & contribute to social cohesion. Activities will be implemented at the welcoming environment of Mellisa''s center with direct access to interpretation, referral services & a broader range of psychosocial support, in parallel with a childcare support program for mothers.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.