""Enhanced capacities of Bulgarian authorities to recover and manage criminal assets""

Project facts

Project promoter:
Commission for Combating Corruption and Illegal Assets Forfeiture (CCCIAF)(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


The project will strengthen the systems for combating corruption, tracing, seizing and forfeiting proceeds of crime, which is a crucial step towards the implementation of Bulgaria''s priority of preventing and combating organized crime and corruption, reinstating justice and compensating the victims of crime. The project will enhance the capacities of staff of the CCCIAF to conduct anti-corruption investigations and to trace criminal assets, in particular in cross-border cases; it will develop the international counterpart networks available to the CCCIAF to pursue confiscations abroad and participate in joint investigative teams. It will also allow the CCCIAF to effectively cooperate bilaterally with foreign authorities by forfeiting assets on behalf of their counterparts. Furthermore, the project will improve the knowledge and skills of CCCIAF staff in core areas of legal aspects and enhance the IT infrastructure of the Commission.

The project will include, inter alia, the following main activities:

  • Establish a Regional Platform on Asset recovery organized in Bulgaria with guest countries predominantly from the Southeastern Europe/Balkan region. Networking, knowledge sharing, discussions on dealing with cross-border asset recovery cases to promote and expand co-operation among the countries in this aspect;
  • Specialized trainings and seminars for CCCIAF inspectors on Legal Entities Analysis/Dissection, Financial investigations/ asset tracing techniques and typologies, Legal matters like civil, commercial and property law, as well as civil litigation, open source intelligence data acquisition and software applications for data analysis;
  • Develop specifically designated curriculum in cooperation with the Bulgarian universities;
  • Certified training;
  • Workshops with domestic institutions on current challenges and setbacks hindering co-operation;
  • Certified trainings courses on effective management of forfeited/seized assets, provided by foreign experts.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.