Development of social dialogue procedures and cooperation in the law enforcement services.

Project facts

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The aim of the project is to improve social dialogue and cooperation in the Police in Lithuania by using Norwegian best practice, thereby strengthening  its effects between law enforcement services (police, prison service) and administrative bodies supervising these services, ie the Ministry of the Interior or the Ministry of Justice. Due to the specific nature of work in law enforcement services and their legal status (eg limited right to strike), it is necessary to improve cooperation between employees and employers and their social dialogue skills. 

The project will contribute to the following objectives:

  1. Raising the knowledge about the principles of social dialogue and cooperation between representatives of trade unions and government and/or local government administration.
  2. Raising the awareness among trade union members and representatives of central and local government administration on the importance of social dialogue and cooperation.
  3. Developing an effective model of social dialogue and cooperation in law enforcement, ie police and prison guards.
  4. Dissemination of the results of the project through a publication and the project''s website

The project promoter, Lietuvos Teisėsaugos Pareigūnų Federacija is a trade union that includes member organizations and 4,000 individual members. In addition, it is a member of the Lithuanian Confederation of Trade Unions and member of the European Police Confederation.

The main activities of the project include:

  • Launching meeting in Vilnius
  • Two workshops in Lithuania for representatives of the trade union LFTP, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice and the General Headquarters of the Police and Prison Service.
  • Preparation of a handbook on the implementation of the concept of ​​social dialogue.
  • Employment of a social dialogue adviser for a period of eleven months.
  • Working seminar and a summing up meeting for 30 participants.

Summary of project results

The main learning from the from the project is that trade unions must have sufficient knowledge and competence to be an equal partner and to able to negotiate with the employer.

The project strengthened the capacity of the trade union in the police and prison service sector to act as a social partner, inspired by Norwegian best practice. The project also contributed to building trust and mutual respect between the employees and employers in the law enforcement services. The traditions of social dialogue in Lithuania are still very young, and employers look at trade unions with suspicion, so the project has contributed to improving social dialogue and its effects.

The project promoter applied the new knowledge in negotiations with the employer and helped them in collective bargaining. It allowed them to lead the collaboration between different institutions and organizations, share knowledge and best practices to improve social dialogue. They also learned about the application of international law in the activities of trade unions.

In October 2022, a national agreement was signed between trade unions and the government regarding guarantees for trade union members, thereby improving the position of trade unions. The project also contributed to new organizations joining the federation, which have strengthened their position in all departments.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.