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The project aims at improving local and regional-level tripartite social dialogue. The development of social dialogue at the level of municipalities is a significant factor for ensuring a steady development of the regions and municipalities, since successful cooperation of employees, employers and municipal institutions fosters a predictable development of business environment, that in its turn encourages the development of regional and municipal infrastructure.
1. The launch event: launching and planning of project activities, highlight the grant, emphasize the bilateral cooperation and the importance of transferring Norwegian experience to Latvia. The media and stakeholders will take part in this activity.
2. Social Dialogue Day in Riga – Exhibition: Present the achievements and challenges of the tripartite social dialogue at local and regional level in Latvia. Devise the plan for future actions and transfer best Norwegian practices.
3. Preparation of the Report “Local and regional tripartite social dialogue in Latvia: challenges and opportunities”: Research and analysis of the current possibilities for advancing social dialogue in Latvia. How Norwegian practices can be implemented in Latvia, what are challenges and opportunities in this regard on local and regional level.
4. National Workshops in Latvia: this meeting is a follow-up to the previous project events during which social partners have already discussed and shared the ideas of implementing Norwegian best-practices into Latvian reality. These workshops, however, will be more focused on the role of each social partner, and emphasize the role of local and regional social partners from different regions.
5. The closing event: presenting the results of the project, the guidelines for improving social dialogue, effectiveness of cooperation, collective actions, among social partners, the progress in implementing Norwegian best-practices in Latvia and future plans for advancing social dialogue.