STRONG Sustainable social policy ThROugh capacity strengtheniNG

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry(BG)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise(NO)
Other Project Partners
Norwegian Bulgarian Business Group(BG)

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STRONG project aimed to strengthen the social dialogue policies and practices in Bulgaria, to improve the tripartite dialogue and consultations at national, regional and local level, to stimulate the bilateral cooperation between Norway and Bulgaria sharing expertise, experience, knowledge and best practices.

The project aimed to raise the capacity of social partners to participate in the bipartite/tripartite cooperation through transfer of good practices, organization of study visits and trainings, and to improve the skills and knowledge of the stakeholders in dispute prevention and voluntary resolution in social dialogue. The activity list included triparitate dialogue, dispute resolution and online training platform, in particular: 

  • Research of best practices in tripartite dialogue in EU and Norway.
  • Development of handbook “Voluntary dispute resolution – negotiations, mediation, conciliation, arbitration. Solving collective labour disputes”.
  • Study visit to Norway for exchange of good practices with representatives of the Association of the Organisations of Bulgarian Employers.
  • Organisation of 4 regional workshops with the participation of NHO in Sofia, Karlovo, Burgas and Varna.
  • Development of on line training platform with four training modules –
    • Module 1 – Conflict management
    • Module 2 – Dealing with stress at workplace
    • Module 3 – Good practices for efficient communication during negotiations
    • Module 4 – Successful tactics in conducting negotiations

The target group consisted of social partners, including the four employers'' organizations in Bulgaria: BICA, BIA, BCCI, and CEIB.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to address the challenges related to weak social dialogue policies and practices in Bulgaria. The primary issues included the lack of capacity among social partners to effectively engage in bipartite and tripartite cooperation, as well as the need for improved skills in dispute prevention and voluntary resolution. Additionally, there was a need to stimulate bilateral cooperation between Norway and Bulgaria and to raise public awareness of the importance of social dialogue. The project sought to transfer good practices from Norway and other EU countries to strengthen social dialogue in Bulgaria.

The project implemented several key activities to achieve its objectives. It began with communication and dissemination efforts, including two information days, newsletters, social media campaigns, and a promotional toolkit. To strengthen tripartite dialogue, the project conducted research on best practices in the EU and Norway, organized four workshops in Bulgaria, and facilitated study visits to Norway. For voluntary dispute resolution, the project researched and published a handbook. An online training platform for social dialogue was developed and tested by over 100 users. Finally, the project created a document with recommendations for improving social dialogue to ensure sustainability.

The project successfully strengthened the capacity of social partners in Bulgaria to engage in effective social dialogue. It organized four workshops in Bulgaria with 80 participants, sharing Norwegian practices, and facilitated study trips to Norway, resulting in concrete recommendations for Bulgarian social partners. The online training platform was tested by over 100 users, enhancing their skills in social dialogue. A report with recommendations on sustainability and social dialogue was produced, contributing to long-term improvements. The primary beneficiaries were social partners, including the four employers'' organizations in Bulgaria (BICA, BIA, BCCI, and CEIB), who gained increased capacity and skills. The project also ensured valuable experience exchange with Norway and led to the design of a new project proposal, SOLID. The knowledge sharing and good practices exchange during the implementation of STRONG project led to the establishment of Industrial Relations Consultancy Bureau at BCCI. The objective of the bureau is to assist the branch organizations and enterprises in conducting negotiations for the conclusion of collective bargaining agreements through provision of expert positions and legislative assistance. 

Summary of bilateral results

The project transferred good practices from Norway to strengthen social dialogue and tripartite dialogue in Bulgaria. The most useful lessons were learned during the organised study trip in Norway, where representatives of all officially recognised employers’ associations in Bulgaria took part. The delegation visited the main employer confederation NHO, the main trade union confederation LO and Digital Norway for knowledge sharing regarding the successful Nordic model of social dialogue in Norway and its key elements; the Basic Agreement as an instrument for consultation and information; the main functions of the trade unions and their role in the social dialogue; tripartite cooperation in the world of work in Norway; and CSR good practices applied by Norwegian companies. The bilateral partenership also led to a second phase of the project called SOLID.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.