""Preventing and combating corruption""

Project facts

Project promoter:
Internal Security Directorate(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
General Directorate National Police of the Ministry of Interior(BG)

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Programme outcome the project contributes to: “Increased capacities of Bulgarian authorities to tackle economic crime and corruption”.

The project will enhance the administrative capacity of prevention and counteraction of corruption within the police.  The whistle blower mechanism and the integrity within police will be improved. The technical capacity for prevention of corruption in other state institutions will be enhanced.
The project will include, inter alia, the following main activities:

  • Training of employees of the Internal Security Directorate which will include practically oriented themes on: review of the anticorruption institutional and management practices, identification of the gaps; corruption in the police, including conflict of interest, new forms of corruption in police related to the trafficking of refugees, organized terrorism, illegal transfer of excise goods;
  • Development of the existing whistle-blowing mechanism - Anonymous Open Line for handling of corruption cases within the police - using newly developed software;
  • Developing new software for internal databases, automated analysis and monitoring;
  • Elaboration of methodology and tools for the introduction of anti-corruption measures and operational tactics, including professional integrity tests, polyphysiographic studies, automated monitoring of social networks;
  • Technical equipment for supporting the implementation of anti-corruption measures by Internal Security Directorate and ensuring implementation of tasks related to management, coordination, operational criminal analysis, monitoring and evaluation through IT-based technologies;
  • Training of 70 officials of General Directorate National Police, exchange of experience and best practices in the field of counteraction of corruption. Delivery of IT equipment and software for GDNP.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.