Programme agreement signed for the Culture programme in Slovakia

The programme agreement for the Slovakian Culture programme was signed on 15 November 2018

Photo credit: Vojtech Brtncky

Key information about the programme

  1. The programme is operated by: Government Office of the Slovak Republic
  2. The Donor Programme Partners in this programme are: Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage (RA) and Arts Council Norway (ACN)
  3. The programme’s objective is: Social and economic development strengthened through cultural cooperation, cultural entrepreneurship and cultural heritage management
  4. The programme funding amounts to € 17.5 million (excluding co-financing) and is funded entirely by the EEA Grants

Why is the programme needed?

The programme’s focus is on the reduction of social and economic disparities within Slovakia. The programme recognises that cultural heritage is an asset that contributes to stronger regions, either by creating new jobs or by engaging local communities in cultural activities. It also acknowledges that, there is a need to improve the physical state of monuments in Slovakia in order to also make full use of their social, economic and regional potential.  The programme will also contribute to engaging and involving people in cultural activities though revitalising cultural heritage and making better use of its educational, social and economic potential. This requires further capacity building through skills development and knowledge exchanges, among other measures.

Another challenge is the relatively low demand for arts and culture in Slovakia compared with the EU average and with Slovakia’s neighbouring countries. The social and economic potential of arts and culture often remains untapped in less developed or disadvantaged areas. In particular, contemporary arts require further audience development.

What will the programme achieve and who are the beneficiaries?

In the area of contemporary arts and culture, the programme will support capacity development of cultural players and audience development. It will contribute to events dedicated to artistic freedom and/or freedom of expression, events focused on raising awareness about minority culture and greater involvement from educational institutions. By increasing the number of people attending artistic events, the programme will contribute to the promotion of human rights through arts, increasing the variety of cultural activities and the transfer of trends, styles and approaches to culture between Slovakia and the Donor States.

Under the cultural heritage component, the programme will contribute to improving conditions for sustainable cultural heritage management. Through pre-defined project Pro-Monumenta II, it will help expand the practice of preventive maintenance with the help of an additional mobile team and a series of capacity building events. The programme will also stimulate the best possible use or reuse so that cultural heritage plays a stronger function in the life of local communities enabling an increase of income generated by a higher number of visitors. Two pre-defined projects support this aim: one will help breathe new life into the gardens of Rusovce and the other will support the restoration of the Red Monastery and help develop its cultural offer.

The stronger focus on entrepreneurship shall contribute to the economic development of regions and to the sustainability of supported cultural heritage activities, as buildings and sites will have a greater potential to generate income and public attendance. The programme has also significant potential to create jobs, thus contributing to the reduction of inequalities and preventing depopulation of the less developed and disadvantaged geographical areas and communities.

How will the programme strengthen bilateral relations?

The Programme Operator cooperates with the two Donor Programme Partners (DPPs), as well as with cultural institutions in Slovakia, to ensure the successful implementation of the programme. The DPPs are particularly active in searching for donor partners, identifying priority areas and carrying out bilateral initiatives. This will be done – among others – through supporting activities specifically targeting minorities, the implementation of joint cultural activities and the organisation of matchmaking seminars. Such cooperation shall contribute to a better understanding of Slovak and the Donor States’ modern art, history, traditions and heritage.

In addition, activities such as organisation of bilateral training sessions for employers in municipalities on cultural heritage management and/or elaboration of cultural heritage plans for the local community will be supported. Finally, workshops, study trips and bilateral exchanges will be supported to transfer know-how and experience between Slovakia and the three Donor States.

Availability of funding through open calls

Funds in this programme are made available through the following open calls:

- First call launched 26 July 2019

- Second call planned first semester 2020

  • Travel support to facilitate establishing and developing partnerships with donor state entities:

- Open call linked to the cultural heritage component (CLTBF01)

- Open call linked to the  arts component (CLTBF02)


Download the full programme agreement for more detailed information about the programme.

More information can also be found on the Programme Operator’s website and on the Donor Programme Partners’ websites: Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage (RA) and Arts Council Norway (ACN).