Combating Domestic and gender-based violence in Bulgaria

Funding is now available for projects aiming to combat domestic and gender-based violence in Bulgaria.


According to the organisation Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE), an estimated 900 000 women in Bulgaria suffer from domestic abuse every year. There is a severe lack of adequate support services for victims, and Bulgaria does not fulfil the Council of Europe recommendation of safe accommodation in specialised women’s shelters. Moreover, the absence of specific provisions criminalising domestic violence and marital rape calls for reforms in the legal framework to ensure the protection of victims of such violence. Six calls for proposals are now open to address these concerns. Two of these calls are small grants schemes.  

Improving services for victims

The first set of calls for proposals fund projects setting up short-term accommodation, counselling and psychological services, outreach services, advocacy, legal counselling and the setting up a crisis centre.

Bulgarian local, regional or national public institutions as well as NGOs are eligible to apply. Partnerships with both Bulgarian and Norwegian entities are encouraged.

The total allocation under this call is €937 130. The minimum grant amount is €170 000, while the maximum grant amount is €900 000.

Read the full call text for more detailed information  

The call for proposals with a small grants scheme with support services for victims of domestic violence is also open. The total allocation under this call is €300 000. The minimum grant amount is €20 000, while the maximum amount is €100 000.

Read the full call text for more detailed information

Raising awareness

The second sets of calls for proposals aim to decrease domestic violence through information campaigns and initiatives for increasing the awareness for the Roma population and other vulnerable groups.

Bulgarian local, regional or national public institutions as well as NGOs are eligible to apply. Partnerships with both Bulgarian and Norwegian entities are encouraged

The total allocation under this call is €240 000. The minimum grant amount is €15 000, while the maximum grant amount is €50 000.

Read the full call text for more detailed information

The call for proposals with a small grants scheme supports awareness raising campaigns. The total allocation under this call is €170 588. The minimum grant amount is €15 000, while the maximum grant amount is €50 000.

Read the full call text for more detailed information       

Increasing knowledge

A call for proposal finance research and data collection on domestic and gender-based violence. Research that include the Roma population are encouraged.

Bulgarian research institutions and NGOs are eligible to apply. International organisations operating in Bulgaria may also apply. Partnerships with both Bulgarian and Norwegian entities are encouraged. 

The total allocation under this call is this call is €200 000. The minimum grant amount is €170 000, while the maximum grant amount is €200 000.

Read the full call text for more detailed information

Strengthening bilateral relations

€35 000 is also set aside through an open call under the bilateral fund. Activities such as partner search, networking, exchange of knowledge, technology and best practices between Bulgarian and Norwegian entities are supported.

Read the full call text for more detailed information

When are the application deadlines?

The application deadline for the bilateral fund is 10 June 2014 if the aim is to improve services for victims, and continuously during the implementation of the project for awareness raising activities.

For all other calls for proposals, the application deadline is 1 September 2014.  

Read more about the Bulgarian ‘Domestic and Gender-based Violence’ programme here

Read more about partnership opportunities here

Find out more about activities eligible for funding in our calls calendar