Capturing the spirit of culture

Projects within Bulgarian cultural heritage are supported through three open calls for proposals.


Bulgaria’s rich cultural, historical and natural heritage offers great potential for economic growth, increase in employment and greater social cohesion. In order to utilise this potential, investments are needed to halt the further deterioration of Bulgarian  cultural heritage and to revitalise part of this heritage for the use of current and future generations.

Three calls for proposals are now open under the Bulgarian ‘Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Arts’ programme to achieve these objectives.

Preserving authenticity

Under the first call for proposals, the following activities might be supported:

  • Restoration/renovation of cultural heritage buildings;
  • Revitalisation (through interactive technologies) of exhibition spaces/platforms;
  • Activities related to the safeguarding of heritage landscapes, and;
  • Activities related to the development of open air museums.

The total budget under this call is €7 106 470. Minimum amount of support is €250 000, and the maximum amount is €1 500 000.

Read the full call text for further information

Documenting history

The second call for proposals might support activities in the following fields:

  • Activities related to the establishment of digital centres;
  • Digitalisation of cultural heritage items/objects;
  • Other activities directly related to the digitalisation of cultural heritage value items, and;
  • Training activities for staff providing services within the newly established digital centres.

The total budget under this call is €2 935 000. Minimum amount of support is €170 000 and the maximum amount is €750 000.

Read the full call text for further information

Facilitating access

To increase accessibility to cultural heritage, the following activities might be supported:

  • Installation and purchasing of new facilities improving access to cultural centres and museums;
  • Development of new digital contents dedicated to the cultural heritage in order to improve access, and;
  • Opening of cultural heritage buildings to the public.

The total budget under this call is €1 594 412. Minimum amount of support is €170 000 and the maximum amount is €750 000.

Read the full call text for further information

Who can apply?

Eligible applicants under all three calls are:

  • Bulgarian public institutions (on state, regional or local level);
  • Public cultural institutes;
  • State-owned universities, and;
  • Other public entities

Partnerships with cultural entities from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are encouraged. It is also possible to partner with other Bulgarian public institutions, cultural institutes and NGOs.

When is the application deadline?

The application deadline is 19 May 2014 for all three calls.

Click here to read more about the Bulgarian ‘Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Arts’ programme

Visit our calls calendar for more information on calls for proposals in Bulgaria