Climate change and the growing pressure on our limited natural resources mean that businesses need to innovate to succeed and survive. Norway Grants foster increased competitiveness of green enterprises in seven countries in Europe to reinforce sustainable development and support the creation of competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economies. The private sector is the primary target group, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises.
Under the Norway Grants 2009-2014 almost € 100 million has been allocated to bolster green industry innovation, out that amount €14.6 million in Slovakia, €6 million in Estonia and € 24 million in Romania. Under the ongoing calls for proposals in the three countries more than € 40 million are available.
Partnerships encouraged
Partnerships between beneficiary and donor state entities are strongly encouraged by the Grants and project proposals with Norwegian partners get priority. Norwegian entities can be involved as a project partner, and funding is available for interested entities to support partner search and develop joint project applications.
Norwegian private companies, research institutions, organisations or public institutions are potential partners. Innovation Norway is a programme partner and can help Norwegian entities to get in touch with potential partners in the beneficiary states.
Under the open call, €16 million will be provided to projects supporting green industry innovation in Slovakia with a deadline for applications of 31 July 2013. Grants will range between €1 million and €5 million. The Government Office of the Slovak Republic, the programme operator, is cooperating with Innovation Norway, the donor programme partner.
More detailed information about the open call including eligible applicants can be found here.
The open call scheme will make available €2.7 million to projects to foster green industry innovation in Estonia with a deadline for applications of 8 August 2013. A further €830 000 will be provided under the small grant scheme with a deadline for applications of 31 October 2013.
The Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications operates the programme, and Innovation Norway is the donor programme partner.
More detailed information about the open call including eligible applicants can be found here.
Two open calls for projects supporting green industry innovation are also open in Romania. The deadline for applications is 15 July 2013. The calls will distribute €21.4 million between the selected projects.
More detailed information about the open calls including eligible applicants can be found here.
Increased competitiveness
The support will allow to achieveincreased competitiveness of green enterprises in the countries through support to the greening of existing industries, green innovation, green entrepreneurship and creation of green jobs.
The green industry innovation programme is good for both business and the environment. Companies across the whole economy can save money through increased energy and resource efficiency and through providing more environmentally friendly products and services to their clients.
Find out more about Norway Grants’ support to green industry development here.
Follow our website for new calls for proposals opening up.