Call for research funding in Slovakia

Through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Slovakia provide Slovak researchers with more than €900,000 for projects within the fields of nanotechnologies, biotechnology and food, sustainable development, and renewable energy sources.

The Slovak Academy of Sciences, managing the fund, launched a €900,000 call for project proposals on 8 April. Project proposals from the Slovak research community, including the private, public and NGO sector, will be accepted until 7 July 2008.

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are supporting the fund with €826,000, with the Slovak government covering the remaining 15 percent of the fund's costs.
Grants ranging from €50,000 to €150,000 will be awarded to support research projects within the fields of nanotechnologies, biotechnology and food, sustainable development, and renewable energy sources.

Further details on the call and the support areas can be found in the open call text and in the guideline for applicants available on the Slovak Academy of Sciences' web page,