New agreement with Lithuania: justice, research and business highlighted

Today Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have signed a new cooperation agreement with Lithuania under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.

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In the coming years, Lithuania will benefit from a net allocation of € 117.6 million under the EEA and Norway Grants. The funds will be divided amongst the six programmes Research, Health, Culture, Business development, Environment Energy and Justice and Home Affairs. In addition, Lithuania will benefit from funds for Decent Work and Civil Society.

Royalties present at historical signing

“Norway and Lithuania have close historic ties. Today nearly 40 000 Lithuanians are living in Norway and around 250 Norwegian companies have operations in Lithuania. Through the EEA and Norway Grants, Norway is further strengthening these ties. We are helping to create jobs, reduce social and economic disparities, and bolster democratic institutions,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide.

Strengthening ties with Lithuania and the other 14 beneficiary countries is one of the main objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants. It was therefore natural that the MoUs for the current funding period should be signed during the visit of The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess in connection with Lithuania’s centenary as an independent state.

Strengthening the justice sector

Under the Justice and Home Affairs programme there is a particular focus on synergies between the programme areas. By implementing better access to justice, one hopes to see a strengthened justice chain. Another important part of this programme is supporting measures that increase the use of alternative sanctions to imprisonment, finding alternative sanctions to imprisonment and the continuation of the fight against gender-based violence.

In this matter interaction and cooperation with relevant civil society organisation will be encouraged. Nearly half of the total eligible expenditure of the programme will be allocated to programme area ‘Correctional Services and Pre-trial Detention’, to improve the Lithuanian correctional system.

Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


“Today we took an important step forward in the implementation of the EEA Grants in Lithuania. The EEA Grants are an expression of the close partnership between all EEA Members and our common interest in a strong Europe. I also look forward to fostering our bilateral cooperation, Lithuania is an important partner for Liechtenstein,” said Foreign Minister of Lichtenstein, Dr Aurelia Frick.

Iceland and Lithuania have a unique connection as Iceland was the first country to recognize the re-stored independence of Lithuania. I look forward to reinforcing our political and cultural relations within the EEA grants, supporting civil society and collaborating within research and education“ said Minister for Foreign Affairs, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson.

Research is an important programme are both for the Donors and for Lithuania. A large part of the funding will be set aside for the “Baltic Research Programme” aiming at developing a regional research hub in the Baltic Region. Support for mobility for researchers will be an important part of this programme.    

Reducing the inequalities in health 

The agreements also include the public health programme “Improved prevention and reduced inequalities in health”. The objective here,, is to promote mental health and prevention measures with an emphasis on the well-being of children and youth and their families.

In the coming months work will continue to set up the programmes. Open calls for proposals will be announced at a later stage. Follow updates on the country page for Lithuania.

Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Programmes under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021

  • Business development, innovation and SMEs €14.0 million
    • Donor programme partner: Innovation Norway
  • Research €10.0 million
    • Donor programme partners: Research Council of Norway, Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education, National Agency for International Education Affairs
  • Social dialogue – Decent work Innovation Norway* €1.2 million
    • Fund operator: Innovation Norway 1.2
  • Health  €15.0 million
    • Donor programme partner: Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • Environment, energy, climate change €12.0 million
  • Culture €7.0 million
    • Donor programme partners: Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Arts Council Norway
  • Civil society €9.0 million
  • Justice and Home Affairs €33.0 million
    • Donor programme partners: Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service, Norwegian Courts Administration, National Police Directorate of Norway
    • International partner organisation: Council of Europe
  • Bilateral national fund- funding for developing bilateral cooperation and activities of bilateral interest with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway €2.3 million

Download the full agreements: 

EEA Grants Lithuania - Memorandum of Understanding 2014-2021

Norway Grants Lithuania - Memorandum of Understanding 2014-2021

 About the EEA and Norway Grants

Under the EEA Agreement, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are part of the European internal market. The EEA Agreement sets out the common goal of working together to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and strengthen cooperation between European countries. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to this through the EEA and Norway Grants. For the period 2014-2021, a total contribution of €2.8 billion has been agreed. Lithuania will receive € 117.6 million of this total.