Roma inclusion study published

A study published today on the programmes relevant for Roma inclusion supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants has concluded that some positive effects can be observed for Roma as one of their target groups.

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These include greater support being channelled to Roma civil society organisations, piloting innovative interventions mainly through the NGO funds, as well as better planning and targeting of funding via the use of Roma Inclusion Plans in other programmes. The study ran throughout 2015.

Key findings

  • There is evidence of a significant increase in the number of Roma NGOs successfully applying for EEA and Norway Grants, compared to the previous Financial Mechanism. 
  • High-quality project partnerships have been formed in some of the larger projects between Project Promoters and local NGOs. 
  • Regarding institutional capacity on Roma inclusion; the emphasis on mainstreaming the Roma inclusion concern has produced some positive effects on institutional awareness and raised the profile of Roma inclusion concern. This is in particular relevant for those state institutions which do not feature Roma inclusion as a key part of their remit.
  • The EEA and Norway Grants are well suited to fund innovative or pilot approaches with potential for scaling up or mainstreaming
  • Despite inherent difficulties with the definition of ‘Roma’, some specific indicators have been set, notably for programmes in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia.
  • Regarding the Roma Inclusion plans developed in the relevant programmes; these are useful policy instruments, in particular those which are well developed with descriptions of how activities will benefit Roma inclusion, with specific indicators and provision for evaluation, and publicity measures.

You can read about the findings, lessons learned and recommendations in more detail in the citizens’ summary, the executive summary and in the full report:

Roma inclusion study - full report

Roma inclusion study - Citizens summary

Roma inclusion study - Executive summary

Snapshots of supported projects  

Equal opportunities for Roma students

“We want to change the lives of our students and influence the rhetoric around Roma education.” This is how Zuzana Balážová of the Slovak Centre for Research of Ethnicity and Culture (CVEK) describes the ‘You also have a chance’ project. Read more:

Saving lives through check-ups

With support through the Grants, Romania and Norway are pulling their forces together in the fight against cancer. Through the CEDICROM project, the team aims to be able to increase the efficiency of the current cancer screening programme by reaching out to these women, inform them about the risks of cancer and offer them free screening. Read more:

Empowering Roma youth

“I hope the youth centre will be a place where we can make new friends and learn new skills,” says Kostadin Chilikov. He is one of many young people that will benefit from four youth centres that have received grants in Bulgaria. Read more:

Find out more about Roma inclusion and the EEA and Norway Grants