Domestic and Gender-based Violence

Key facts

Programme Operator:
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Programme ID:
In implementation
Date of approval:
Total amount:
EEA Grants fund:
Norway Grants fund:
€ 3,625,000

Currently available funding

Programme Summary

Why is the programme needed? For many years Poland has been struggling with the problem of domestic and gender based violence. The deteriorating situation of the citizens, stratification of society and rising unemployment cause an increase of frustration and aggression, often directed towards family members. The programme responds to the needs of the Polish society, individuals and families affected by domestic and gender based violence, as well as professionals involved in services for victims and perpetrators of violence. What will the programme achieve? The main objective of the programme is to prevent and tackle domestic and gender-based violence in Poland. The complex nature of the problem requires an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach. The programme will create a platform for cooperation between the government, local authorities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working within this field. Extensive capacity building measures will improve the competencies of staff and result in a better provision of services for the victims. Furthermore, educational and corrective programmes for perpetrators will be implemented with the aim to change their attitudes and behaviours and in turn to prevent further acts of violence and better protect the victims. A large-scale nationwide public campaign will be implemented under the programme with the aim to increase public awareness on this issue. How will it be achieved? •    Comparative studies on domestic and gender-based violence in Poland; •    A national media campaign; •    Training of interdisciplinary teams; •    Training of staff and victims at support centres; •    Implementation of educational and corrective measures towards perpetrators of violence; and •    Training of staff in the correctional services. How will bilateral relations be strengthened? The programme does not include a Donor Programme Partner (DPP), however, the Council of Europe (CoE) will be a project partner. The bilateral fund will be used for networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, experience and best practice between the Project Promoter and the Council of Europe. What are the partnership opportunities? Bilateral cooperation between local authorities and organisations in Poland and the donor state will be encouraged within the programme. Who can apply for funding under this programme?Local government units and NGOs are eligible as project applicants under the small grant scheme.