The Polish Consortium is collaborating with the Psychiatric Institute Vinderen in Norway to carry out a first-ever nationwide survey detailing mental health prevalence in Poland.
In the town of Drama in Northern Greece, the EEA Grants support the Ladies' Union in improving the situation for abused women and children.
The EEA and Norway Grants support a fund to increase accessibility for disabled people in the Duna-Mecsek region in Hungary.
In collaboration with Rikshospitalet University Hospital in Norway, researchers at Porto University are working to increase awareness of gastric and cervix cancer.
At Warsaw University, a project is underway to create tools for engaging local communities and authorities in dialogue.
The Norway Grants support a three-year medical basic research project to develop new therapies for patients with peripheral arterial diseases in Hungary. The new therapies will prevent or postpone the...
The Estonian-Norwegian Transfer of knowledge fund seeks to strengthen cooperation and knowledge transfer between the 2 countries. The fund supports 10 research projects within the fields of health and...
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway support the digitisation of the Agora archives in Athens, Greece.
Flora and Kelme municipalities are working together to improve living and learning conditions for the children at Vijurkai children's home.
The Pál Nagy Elementary and Catering Vocational School in Bük, Hungary, has started a comprehensive renovation and reconstruction project.
At the Pure Heart centre for hobby activities in Slovakia, children and young people are given the opportunity to take part in organised after-school activities.
With support from the EEA Grants, the Nature and Technology Museum in Starachowice, Poland, will renovate the town’s historical ironworks, making it a living cultural centre for the local population...